Achieving a common operational picture requires TAK Government-off-the-Shelf (GOTS) software application functionality across a variety of platforms. While TAK’s geospatial mapping engine was originally developed for the Android operating system, a Windows version and TAK Server build out the growing networks as mature products within the TAK enterprise software portfolio. These baseline products are maintained by the TAK Product Center and available for download at the links below. Software that extends the capability of these baseline products can be found on the plugins page. TAK baseline software is available from the US Government at no cost.
This ATAK and the Common Operating Picture (COP) class will be taught by Grenadier1 at the TEB Community Center on Saturday, August 13th, 2022. The class will begin promptly at 10:00 AM and will last approximately 4 hours.
Address: 84 Roberts Road, Murphy, NC 28906
Cost: free
Registration: You must send an email to if you plan to attend. Please put ATAK Class preregistration in the subject line. You will receive an email back confirming your registration. If you do not receive an email with 48 hours, please send add a comment below. You must receive a confirmation for registration in order to attend.
Class size will be limited to 18 people. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the class starts to sign in. No firearms will be permitted inside the class except for our security personnel. There are no prerequisites for this class. Bring paper and pens.
When you send the email for registration, include:
Name, address, phone number, alternate email if different than the submitted address and number of people attending.
David DeGerolamo
Will there be a webinar of this class? I’ve been working with ATAK, WINTAK, and meshtastic integration for a bit, and I would be very interested in hearing what he has to say.
There will not be a webinar or video of this class.