Yesterday, Democrats defeated a Republican bill which would have made the most horrorific late term abortions illegal. And by “late term,” we’re largely referring to infants who could possiblysurvive outside the womb with proper medical care (22 weeks being the age cited by the NY Times referring to a new New England Journal of Medicine study).
Unlike the Cowardly Lion getting a haircut in Oz, a late term abortion is no simple “snip, snip here, snip, snip there” operation. Rather, it involves taking an infant and giving it the full ISIS treatment – ripping off arms and legs, slicing spinal cords, and decapitation. And in partial birth abortion, the child has largely already been delivered before the slaughtering begins.
Do Democrats believe there is any limit on when abortions should be allowed? Hillary Clinton says no, and Barack Obama is already on record as supporting post-natal abortion for babies who are born alive (repeatedly voting against the Illinois “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.”)
Perhaps its time join the Democrats and their stand on Abortion and start performing our own version of late term abortions with no regard to age of the victim