So Help Me God

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

The battle for American liberty is the battle for American Christianity. Christians largely don’t get it. They are locked into a religious viewpoint, oblivious of the greater battle being waged against them and the word of God.

In order for the new socialist order to be completed in the United States, they must not only defeat the forces of liberty, but also the forces of Christianity. It is actually the religious zeal that they fear more than a few dedicated patriots. I suggest that the Marxist bureaucracy thirsts for the rebellion of the patriots, to kill off the last few hold-outs of Constitutional authority and to forever brand “patriots” as lunatics who should be disarmed and exterminated.

Christians give them more pause and for good reason. There are a lot more Christians than patriots and religious fervor is greater than patriotic fervor. Every war in the 21st Century has proven that. The fact that some of the patriots are also Christians is less relevant to them than if Christians became patriots.


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11 years ago

Amin and amin.
Elohim is our only Ruler. There shall be NO other idols.
Every old and new testament scripture confirms this. No human man usurps HIS power or HIS given laws on this earth.
Unless, we foolishly allow some charismatic man, or a group of men to assume our GOD given rights for us, or to even adequately “represent” our God given natural law.
So, I ask this question. You call yourself a “Christian”. How can that be when you are worshiping and obeying powers divined by false profits, appoint government leaders who do not believe in natural law, or those who divine any of the other assorted man-made “laws” we are oppressed with today.

Read Your Bible anew.
Pray for wisdom.