So Many Distractions

The news cycle is dominated with Afghanistan, Biden dementia and COVID-19 vaccinations.

So what is not in the news? The Arizona audit which was sent to the Arizona Senate yesterday. By court order, the results had to be released to the public. Leaks of the report state that it will be a bombshell.

What if the results clearly prove what we already know: the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the President? Are the results being suppressed in order for an orderly transition?

Before you dismiss that idea of Trump’s reinstatement, think about it. Arizona decertifies their delegates because of provable voter fraud. Other states will follow quickly to either decertify or not accept Biden’s fraudulent victory.

Then again, there could be another reason for the delay but let’s be hopeful that the coup will at least be made public.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

I think everything is a distraction to keep your eye off what they are doing to the public

3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

I presume you are referring to the “vaccines”. They seem desperate to force it on the populace. Almost like their plans, whatever they are are on a timetable.

3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

The public is allowing them to “force” the Jab. There has to be consent.

3 years ago

The scary part is, they will then have a man in with maybe just the persuasive pull “they” needed. All these brainwashed people might think he is a prophet even more now… That could get scary! I still question his warp speed vaccine though as well as some other questionable pardons and decisions he made.
I Always think “what would i do if i was a gov, trying to get more people to follow this guy” He will have hugest following of any president ever and a lot of very, EXTREMELY loyal supporters. Let’s hope we are not being played if that is what happens.
Don’t get me wrong… I will welcome it with open arms!.I MISS HIM!
I am just now ruined from ever trusting these damn people it feels like.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I voted twice for him. The more I read, the more I think he is involved

3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

I pray to the living God that he’s not. But, nothing would surprise me anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  gre81

Me too.. feel a little sheepish.. but what choice was left! My only and possibly last time voting until its trusted people and processes involved. Sad… He has to be some good to expose that voting systen right…?
When i saw him say “come to the capital protest, its gonna be WILD”
It didn’t sit right after watching it and hearing the response from “all involved” He should have pardon the capital people from RIGHT side of law for sure!
I still call BS on insurrection. At least 95% of it!
Trump is still the lesser of 2 evils…hmmm. OR IS HE! Is that cultish following even worse for us now? A lot of questions come to mind for sure.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

The lesser of 2 evils is still evil!

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I am never going to vote again.

That being said, NO ONE GIVES UP POWER. Not Caesar, not Putin, not Xi, not the communists here. NOTHING will be done. Might as well enjoy our shit sandwiches and our Russian ammo ban.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Come on over to my porch…I don’t eat shit sandwiches and I don’t give up. The ice tea is always cold, too.

3 years ago
Reply to  Noelle

I am in!!

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Damn man.. wasn’t quite ready for sbit sandwich, still looking for my courageous America brother. I have 3 little baby girls… i can’t gibe up

3 years ago

I’m probably off base here,, maybe more than a little, but looking at the events of the last year or two ( and then some ), it really boils down to ” poop in one hand and wish in the other hand ” and what do you have the most of ? Sorry everyone , I’m just to the point that why even care anymore, just cover my rear end and the hell with everyone and everything. I’ve seen what happened in Dallas with JFK, and Nixon pulling the strings and paying for it, and that peanut farmer doing his and the democrat’s thing, and the four or five presidents since then. Especially the current clown. What next ?

3 years ago

I voted twice for Trump as well. I think he is in the globalist pocket now tho. I think he started out with noble intentions and then they took him to a room and showed a film of JFK in Dallas or something of that nature. This “auguring in” of our country is at full speed. Its gotta crash and burn then maybe whoever is last standing can start to rebuild. Just remember your planning and prepping has a direct correlation to your odds of survival. “Adventure” is the result of poor planning. Prepare accordingly and good luck to all.

Thomas Dowling
3 years ago

That would be a counter-coup.

3 years ago

Trump could be dirty or … perhaps ‘Devolution’ is real. Guess we’ll find out in due course. In the meanwhile, Biden has banned imports of Russian guns and ammo, ammo making up about 30-40% of the US ammo market. That will undoubtedly mean scarcity again just when stocks appeared to be coming back online and increased prices. So buy what you need quickly, lock and load, and be ready for anything, because anything can happen.