So WalMart Was An Anomaly Eh?

by Karl Denninger

Uh huh.

That’s why Target just reported a quarter with hair all over it and missed as well?

Oh, and Dollar Tree?  Same deal.

Sears also had a crap number.

Go ahead folks…. keep buying stocks when, as I’ve pointed out repeatedly, every dollar that someone “saves” in reduced interest expense as a consequence of Fed tampering with the market comes out of someone else’s pocket.

You cannot evade this reality forever.

The initial impact of QE “looks good” if you’re the guy who can refinance his house or buy a car at a cheaper interest rate.  The back end of that transaction is equally damaging to the person who buys your paper as it is helpful to you.

Net impact?  Zero, but it also produces asset bubbles if for no other reason than everyone and their brother showing up on TeeVee to tell you how “wonderful” these programs are for the average person.

What a bald-faced lie that is.


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