So what can the lowly proles do?

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Consider the closing excerpt from Brandon Smith’s latest article:

As the crisis events and distractions continue to build, on both sides of the Pacific Ocean the elites are currently implementing a technocratic tyranny of epic proportions.  The common people on both sides end up suffering, and unless they are stopped soon, the elites will end up the only winners.

So what can the lowly proles do? The pandemic is the perfect example why I never planned for a specific scenario. If I had, I would never have predicted a global pandemic to be used as cover for the eventual economic collapse. I prepared for what would be needed regardless of the “event”. I will say that this scenario was the least harmful event to consolidate their global power base: imagine an EMP or world war.

But now is not the time for complacency; now is the time for preparations. Once again, we do not know what their upcoming plans are so that we can take the necessary steps to secure our future. I will first have you consider what limits you are willing to accept as you make your contingency plans.

  1. If you will accept no limitations on your liberty, then your choice is clear: prepare for war.
  2. As we have already seen, the “government” will print unlimited helicopter money to ensure your dependence on Big Brother and complacency. If you understand the consequences of this plan, you must focus on your financial security. This means making sure that any government freeze of your digital money, stocks and bonds will not impact your personal assets. This means withdrawing cash from banks (while the dollar has some value), selling stocks and bonds, and buying assets for barter and self-sufficiency. Remember, silver for barter and gold for rebuilding. And we will rebuild.
  3. Train and learn. Tactical, communications and intelligence comprise the three-legged stool necessary for success in the future. Do you have the infrastructure in place for these necessary tools?
  4. Building community and location. We have learned from this “crisis” that the cities are not safe and that people are planning to bug out to the rural areas. Too late: if you have not already built relationships in the “country”, the locals will not support you as a newcomer. Don’t believe me? Start researching information to build intelligence by looking at Facebook comments on local pages where you plan to go. Building community is the priority for building security. You can trust no one or you can build community based on a foundation of trust. The latter is the only option for success and takes time, character and wisdom.
  5. Ask for help. If you ask the Lord for guidance, He will provide. Ask me how I know.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Download the free .pdf, Unintended Consequences to read while you are under house arrest. Eye opening if the info is only 50% true.