“So what happens when this entire hospital in Dallas is quarantined for Ebola?”

from Watcher:

We realistically need to ask ourselves this question instead.

What happens when EVERY hospital in this country is in lockdown and quarantine?

Because this is what is going to happen if we do not stop this mismanagement of this disease now,  in futile attempts of using our present set up and infrastructure of our community hospital system and ancillary services. They are not equipped nor set up to handle public mass cases of this contagion.

Community Hospitals, at present are definitely not the best place to be diagnosed and definitely not the place to stop the spread of this deadly contagious virus.  Obviously. They are where people need to go when they need health care services. Not servicing a potential pandemic Ebola Contagion that could wipe out a significant number of our population in this country, if this is allowed to go uncontained, as the government is allowing it to do now.

This is the downfall of allowing government intervention into the once free market healthcare system. Now the hospitals are waiting for the cash cow to give them the funding to open up independent triage and testing facilities instead of fronting the funds from their own coffers. This is what happens when federal subsidies get involved in the healthcare business. The government is very aware that the national hospital systems are waiting on them.

So far, all we have seen from our healthcare system and the CDC and WHO is mismanagement and makeshift policies and procedures. This reactionary behavior and mismanagement of this contagion will continue until the game of financial chicken is won. Who will have their agenda served? and will they have to financially pay for it? That’s who will win the war against Ebola. If there is to even be a winner. The price and value of God given LIFE is not a factor here. Because we are not the winners, just subjects. Follow the agenda and follow the money.

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