So you lost your homeland. Now what?

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George Lansing
George Lansing
4 years ago

Do you follow this guy? Interesting commentary:

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson
4 years ago

Wes, this is my opinion. The insurection act was signed to encompas the DC metropolitan area. The military is in control. The DOD is not giving Biden security briefings. He will not get the Nuke Codes. He has the helm of the ship but the ship is a fly by wire command structure and all the wires are under patriot control. His first month in office Trump took the FBI with Marines on Quantico, Brennan gave up his personal notes( why would he ever do such a thing?) The military gates around DC are locked from the outside. The Constitution was wrote by God’s work,, God is at work now and this coup west be stopped under the constitution or evil will win. This must be stopped but the glory must go to God so it must be done under the letter of the Constitution. It is not time for an uprising. If the time for an uprising comes there will be no doubt that it is time, we will all know.
I believe that’s why you got a visit from the FBI. The reptilian overlords are scrambling to put their plan back into effect the thing is Trump pulled back the curtain for all the world to see. Let them have their meaningless toilings like cockroaches with the lights on. What was in the dark is now in the light nothing they are doing can have any effect. Time for them is running out. This is not over, let’s try to remain calm and watch what happens, stay vigilant, keep your eyes open, don’t be deceived, use God’s gift of discernment, do not stand down but do not engage, this is NOT the time. We are not isolated, we are not separated. They do not have the numbers, all they have is a false digital reality. Don’t believe the lie no matter how scary it sounds. There are powers at play that have been in play, let’s watch and let it play out. Law enforcement is smarter than we give them credit for and they are in a very difficult position, pressure from the top with unjust laws let’s not put pressure on them from the bottom by getting retarded. The majority of law enforcement are on the home team. Lets not give them reason to fear us. The longer this goes the more the light is shown into the dark corners, pretty soon there will be no place left for them to hide. This is my faith, that God has the right people in that right places to do the right thing. That means us as well. We are not backed into a corner like most of us think but they want us to believe it. Satan is the great deceiver, the liar and he wins when we believe the lie. Their sickening, broken, disgusting plan is right out in the open for all to see. Help pull back the curtain and laugh at them, I have faith that soon the lid is going to slam shut on them. Like I said, my opinion but I have been watching this for eight plus years and this is my faith and no matter what happens God will protect his people. We do not fear death, we fear life in bondage on our knees and my faith is that God has a plan and the right people are in the right places and I believe that right now I am being the right person in the right place. I believe they are powerless at the helm of a ship they will soon realize they have no control over, they are the ones isolated, they are the ones being exposed. They have had every opportunity to do the right thing and they have refused. May God have mercy on their souls. I have faith and so should we all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Thompson

“this coup west be stopped under the constitution or evil will win. This must be stopped but the glory must go to God so it must be done under the letter of the Constitution. It”

If this is so, then the military has not Constitutional authority in the matter. Article I Section 8 Clause 15 states the militia is responsible for “… to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;”

So I heard a lot about the insurrection act being signed. Is there proof of this? I have seen no proof and I think if it was signed that there should be some.

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson
4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

I’m believing that we will either see some significant signs that this coup will collapse in the first quarter of this year or it will be left up to the people to institute our own desired outcome. The elitist one world order agenda has been in play in this nation since the signing of the declaration of independence. Watching another 60 days isn’t going a significant difference. As far as proof I well if there has been a sting operation in play, the nature of an operation of that magnitude would necessitate secrecy. Its faith. That being said all the underlying information could very well just be disinformation to sow seeds of hope to keep the masses passive waiting for an event that will never manifest. If there has been an operation in the works wouldn’t we owe the operators involved the opportunity to see it to its conclusion without the people jumping the gun and giving the enemy ammunition against them? This is just my opinion based on having my eyes open and aware for the last eight years. It is completely apparent that this Country has been stolen but the problem is world wide and consider this. If the military is willing to follow Joe Biden with everything that is known what does that leave to take back. A disjointed attempt at a revolution would end up in chaos and if there is chaotic blood letting in the streets you can rest assured that the military would get involved and where would that leave we the people? The stakes have never been higher, this is a world wide problem, there is no where left to run, whatever is to be done MUST succeed or all may be lost. There is evidence out there and they are doing everything they can to cover it up and doing a pathetic job of it. Maybe I’m wrong, like I said this is only my opinion and we all know the saying about opinions. God Bless us and have mercy on us all and may His will be done.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
4 years ago

I am hearing a lot of “we need to wait”. Think about it, we will never have the same unity again, we will never have the multiple streams of informative sharing capabilities we do now, we will never have the meat space meet up opportunities we do now. we will never have the arms capabilities we do right now, we will never have such a divide military force as we do now, we will never have such a limited surveillance system as we do now, we will never have as many unbrainwashed individuals as we do now. Wait because good golly they may come for you? Look around websites and people already disappearing, grip tightening everyday.

Screw the people that have been saying wait -- every event -- every opportunity -- they say wait.

If China came over here and occupied this land would you sit back follow their rules, mandates and laws for even one minute? Would you say lets wait them out, petition them in their courts? You are doing it now -- --

Waiting is for the weak -- inaction is for the dead

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson
4 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

China doesn’t have the ability to invade the USA

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Thompson

Screw China the entire world is aware of the over throw of what was the USA, we have traitors in our midst. They were dominating the airwaves for the last four years at least -- Political, media, tech, entertainment. Everyone knows who they are, what they look like, where they live, work and what they’ve done --

I have no idea who the guy in the main video is but I would not be sharing a foxhole -- -- sounds like auntie fay or other psyop to me.

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson
4 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

My faith may very well and most likely is misplaced. Probably a
Bolshevic style phsyop. With the depth/level of corruption, so
many county and state officials, judges, district attorneys, rogue
FBI, CIA corruption at every level of government, hostile
corporate warfare, media and big tech control every byte of data,
information, communication, nearly complete election takeover.
It was a hostile takeover over every level of government with
foreign controllers through a fraudulent election. “They” have
been instituting national regime change for hundreds of years,
they are pros at it. Who has a plan to go up against that? As
much as I would love to hear this plan please dont answer that
on this forum. My faith is in God, not in men. The way I see this
is if Biden is allowed to stand as president, and the military falls
in line behind him then people if you dont have a relationship
with Jesus then I suggest you introduce yourself. Im more afraid
of living in what looks like is coming than I am of dying but I
won’t die stupidly in a spectacle that makes it harder for those
that are left to keep going. We are all frustrated, I want an
answer, I want a solution that I could rise up behind, I want to
believe in fairy tales but the hard truth is evil is alive, its
pervasive, its persistent, its focused, its gluttonous, its driven
and it has been working at this domination for a very long time
and I have yet to see a sign of a movement worth standing up for and its not for lack of looking. This evil is not new we are just getting a very good look at it in large part to Trump. I feel your frustration Mr. Pistol and honestly Im at a loss for words. I just don’t understand how this level of lawlessness can stand. How it is so readily excepted as the norm. Where do we go from here, how do we get past this, knowing what we know, having seen what we have seen?

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 years ago

If the FBI comes to your door and you are stupid enough to open it, do not open your mouth. Answer all questions with a nod, a shake or a shrug. Speak nothing. And if you see a body cam
do absolute nothing, give them nothing, not even a nod. Never speak to a LEO without an attorney.

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson
4 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

wise, they are the ugly bad