So you’ve got the Coof. Here’s your protocol, soldier.


Early Coof (symptoms onset):

ASAP take Ivermectin 0.6 mg/kg whether it’s pill form, 1% injectable or the dreaded horse paste (sorry Mark), but it MUST be the full dose, all at once and daily for a minimum of 5 days OR UNTIL SYMPTOMS DISAPPEAR. And that means all symptoms, even if it turns into long COVID. Do not take at the same time as quercetin, and do take on a full stomach for maximum absorption.

If one is in possession of nigella sativa (AKA black cumin seed oil), one should add this to help enhance the Ivermectin. Think of it as a booster effect. The dose is 80 mg/kg of body weight. It can be purchased in capsule form of varying concentrations, or in the oil form. One teaspoon of the oil has about 3000 milligrams, so a person who weighed 75 kilos would take 2 teaspoons (75 kilos x 80 mg per kilo = 6000mg) It is very spicy so it can be either mixed with something or taken like a liquor shot & immediately chased with a yum yum of your choice. It will burn on the way down like a fine Tennessee moonshine, so be prepared. ***Nigella sativa does have some negative drug interactions, specifically beta-blockers, and can generate allergic reactions in some people. If you feel anything weird, stop taking it.***

Hydroxychloroquine is next on the list: 200 mg twice daily for 5 to 7 days. If it has been 5 days or more since your symptoms have developed, then hydroxychloroquine will not be effective so skip this.

Zinc 50 mg – 100 mg daily. This can cause stomach upset if you are not accustomed to taking it, so I would suggest no more than 25 mg at a time several times per day to achieve the daily dose requirement.

Pair with quercetin, 500 mg. DO NOT TAKE QUERCETIN AT THE SAME MOMENT AS IVERMECTIN. Quercetin is a key ally in your fight, so don’t abandon it, but it can inhibit the effectiveness of ivermectin so be sure to take them several hours apart.

Azithromycin (also known as a ZPak), 500 mg once, then 250 mg the next day & continue for four days. If you cannot get azithromycin, you can use doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

Be sure to start an aspirin regimen to aid with possible blood clots: 325 mg daily.

There are many opinions on the use of vitamin D3. Dr. Zev Zelenko offers this suggestion: 50,000 IU for two days or 10,000 IU for seven days. The Front Line COVID Critical Care doctors only list 1,000-3,000 IUs per day as part of their protocol. Everyone should be taking at least 5,000 IUs daily at baseline. Don’t forget that vitamin K2 is necessary for D3 to work in your body. Take 50-100 mcg daily.

Vitamin C is also paramount. Like D3, there are varying opinions on the amount. Dr. Zelenko says 1000 mg daily, while the FLCCC recommends 500-1000 mg twice daily. Still others suggest a much higher dose: 3000 milligrams initially followed by 1000-2000 milligrams hourly until diarrhea develops or symptoms subside. Then cut the dose in half.

There is very preliminary data to suggest famotidine (also known as Pepcid) may help reduce the inflammation associated with COVID. It’s a safe drug & easy to obtain over the counter so taking 20 mg twice daily is doable.

A prescription for steroids is also helpful: preferably a prednisone dose pack.

And lastly, melatonin, a known anti-inflammatory, 6-10 mg at bedtime.

Later Coof (after 5 days):


Ivermectin dosage

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2 years ago

What if I told you, none of this nonsense exists? What you have is a common cold, ya know, like when the seasons change you catch a cold…chicken noodle soup and maybe some nyquil before bed, the green kind, works for me. No, I will not be tested for something that doesn’t exists.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

IMO, you are spot on DRenegade. Even if the initial virus is now less a threat remember, they now have a pathway into your cells that they can attach any other bio weapon to. Think about that for a moment folks.

2 years ago
Reply to  308onlooker

308onlooker, the protocol she details, as has other front line doctors, is good information FOR ANY VIRUS.
If any good has come out of this 2 year plandemic is that many of us have gotten much better educated on treatment protocols for when there is onset of a virus, any virus, and how to keep your immune system at top shape no matter how old you are. And, with the knowledge that obesity adds to the chances of severe illness WITH ANY VIRUS, it should be a wake up call to the obese out there to drop some weight.
Don’t blow this off just because we know that the globalists/marxists want us sick and/or dead.

2 years ago

Linus Pauling (look him up, 2X Nobel Prize winner) personally took 6K units of Vitamin C every day. He died at 91.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Yes me and my wife still take sodium ascorbate it is a buffered form of vitamin c a level teaspoon is about 3,000 mg.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I will not wear the mask, have not been tested and will not take the kill shot. The virus was created for the kill shot it is very evident, there plans are falling apart. At my age 70 I did not come done with any of the symptoms, my wife made a drink of roots, ginger and other herbs to fight against the cytokine storm and gave such to our friends. Some of our friends have taken the kill shot all we can do is pray for them at this point.

2 years ago

One needs a Masters Degree in a math discipline to track all these requirements. I had COVID a year ago (so they told me) am fully recovered and immune. (T-cells have long memories) I came down with a cold two days ago. How do I know it is a cold and not the dreaded Omicron? Simple, I am 78 years old and probably had at least 80 colds during my life. All have the same symtoms. No test needed thanks. Chicken soup and four shots of Black Jack Daniels everyday. Worked then…will work now. Resolve to be better this year. Better informed, better prepared, better equipped.