Soaring Caracas Stock Exchange Undergoes 1000 For 1 “Stock Split”

For generating the greatest “wealth effect” and highest return of any global stock market in the world in 2013, the Caracas stock exchange, which closed the year at the ripe level of 2.7 million, is getting surprisingly little attention or love (maybe because unlike other countries, here unpleasant inflation from currency debasement is a coincident indicator resulting in such things as a shortage of toilet paper). Because after all isn’t it an economist and monetarist’s dream to achieve a 480% return in one year based on simply printing money?

Supposedly, the answer is no.

But for whatever reason, since nobody talks about the massively successful Venezuelan stock market, which in the modern era is second only to the even more “successful” Zimbabwe stock market, it bears noting that earlier today, quietly, the Caracas stock market announced it would proceed with a 1000 for 1 stock, er, index split.


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