Social Security Administration Beneficiaries Top 60,000,000

The number of people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration topped 60,000,000 for the first time at the beginning of 2016.

In December 2015, according to data published by the Office of the Chief Actuary of Social Security, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds paid benefits to 59,963,425 beneficiaries. In January 2016, that increased to 60,084,225, and in February 2016 to 60,199,914.

The average monthly benefit paid per beneficiary in December was $1,228.12. In January, it was $1,229.85. In February, it was $1,230.70.

The total number of beneficiaries includes retired workers and their dependents, survivors of deceased workers, and disabled workers and their dependents.



Who do you think they will be voting for? Themselves or their grandchildren? Greed or Honor?

David DeGerolamo

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