Something to Ponder

At this time of the year, I submit that self-reflection should be considered as part of the Holidays. We work to pay taxes to a government that does not represent us. We also go to the movies and watch television to support an industry that does not represent our values. The #MeToo movement has essentially died. Celebrities continue to make us in their “mold”. The political elite continue their global agenda.

What is important is our Faith, kith and kin. How we live is a measure of our Faith. How people view us is a testimonial to our character. How God views us is all that matters. We know what is right. The only question is whether you will stand.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

David -- -- Your words: “What is important is our Faith, kith and kin.”

This truth should be preached in every church and become a motto for all freedom loving Americans.

Thank you for your insights……

6 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I could not agree more. Vietnam was my war but I was in Medical School when my number 54, came up. I have had some sort of ‘guilt’ about not being there. However, I am old and still a little capable and will not hesitate to participate if the world should come to that. As it turns out, hx, suggests it will the timing is the only thing lacking, at the moment.