Something Wicked This Way Comes

I feel like we are in the beginning of an evil sci-fi or dark dystopian movie.

We have the mainstream media in tears now, asking, “how will we know who is vaccinated and who isn’t?” Show me your PAPERS! Well if your “Vaccine” actually works who cares?

Now there are hours of videos out there with people able to stick magnets to their injection site. Some have even carried it further  and used stud finders and metal detectors. Also a compass seems to go crazy at the injection site. One problem, I haven’t been able to verify this in NC. But I have friends in other states who have witnessed it with their own eyes. What does this mean?

I’m afraid things are going to quickly get worse. Most of the population folded with almost no pressure to the governments edicts when this “pandemic” hit. What will they do now if some nefarious substance has been willingly injected into their bodies? Maybe we won’t have to show papers, maybe they’ll just be able to pass a wand over you and tell if you have received the governments special medicine. I don’t know, but things are weird and getting weirder.

None of this ends well.

What the hell has happened to the American People? I am floored at the lack of concern by everything that is going on. TPTB must be licking their chops right about now.

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying: You are mad; you are not like us.”  St. Antony the Great

Well I think that time is here. We are “crazy” for believing the election was stolen. We are called “insurrectionist” for demanding accountability. We are “conspiracy theorist” for not wanting to take the jab. We are “nuts” for decrying all the money printing. The list goes on.

Another topic that has become increasingly worrisome to me is the fact that people think that they are going to vote harder in the mid-terms and set things right. Seriously? They stole the Presidential and many other elections right in front of our eyes and we did nothing. You really think now that “they”, whoever the Deep State is, will concede power ever again. Oh you’ll have the illusion of voting, but every candidate that will be on the ballot will be a Deep State approved actor.  It’s time to quit moving the goal post. We are not voting our way out of this predicament.

As many commenters here like to say, “until the American people feel real pain in their own lives, nothing significant will change.” It appears there is never quite enough Tyranny.

Although we can sound like it, we aren’t our founding fathers. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we even have the same blood lines. People keep asking, “what can we do?” What did our founders do when faced with a much less invasive tyranny? They declared their grievances and rightly justified shooting the bastards! But these are different times and we are surrounded by selfish, narcissistic, self-serving, godless fools and cowards.

Perhaps what is needed is a return to the school of hard knocks. People have grown soft. They have forgotten their history and what made this country so great. Honestly I’m scared, nobody wants war, but I welcome this coming chaos. Hopefully we can set things right. It really doesn’t matter, the trouble is coming, actually it is here, whether you like it or not.

I do not desire to fight. I don’t think anyone does.  But I can’t justify any other course of action at this point. We are at war, the enemy is attacking, and we haven’t even begun to fight. So we have a choice, either we fight and possibly die, or we die at the hands of these tyrants.

The Choice is Ours.


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3 years ago

The last one is spot on.

3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Please understand the harlot had been hid in plain sight for thousands of years “JER(USA)LEM”:
The last 8 years are looking very likely to commence on the 20th anniversary of 9/11:

3 years ago

Wes, almost everything you said in your post is exactly what has been on my mind. And, the point was proven to me, once again, with an hour long call I had with a liberal brother yesterday.
My younger brother and I used to be close, very close. We used to speak often and, until the election of Oblahblah we always got along. That election, and up until the present time, has torn us apart. There is literally next to nothing we can agree on. The conversation yesterday was ok (surface level talk) until it got to him asking me if I had gotten the vaccination. After that, things went south as I explained why I had not gotten it. Before it was over, he was almost lathering with Trump derangement syndrome, even though I expressed that I wish Trump would just go away now. (I’m one of the few that never loved Trump; or hated him). When I cited CDC stats on how the seasonal flu has “disappeared” his claim is that it is because of the social distancing and the masks. When I mentioned that when I had caught a mild case of Covid last winter, and that I jumped immediately on a regimen of hydroxychloroquine, he cut me off and said it was bull and that it had not effect. I could go on but, you know where all of this went.
We got on religion (I’m a born again Christian; he is not. I prayed before I got on the call with him that we would remain calm and that I would reflect Jesus). I’m not sure how well I did on that account. Anyway, he says he prays but, does not really believe in an afterlife!
Let me summarize. I humbly believe that the world is divided in those that are true bible believing, Jesus following Christians; and those that aren’t. The delusion is strong and getting stronger all the time. There is little doubt in my mind that if I live long enough, I will be persecuted for my Christian beliefs and potentially lose my life because of it.

Todd Steele
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

My thoughts exactly. Thank you for your comment

art simpson
art simpson
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Well said 55, you are correct. After the 4th seal war is massive Christian persecution. Then Planet X which will turn the oceans into a washing machine and move all the mountains and islands out of their places. Fire from heaven, the covenant division of Israel and the 1st trumpet of Daniel’s 70th week, famine and torment of the wicked. We have front row seats to God’s judgement. MAKING SENSE OF REVELATION, A VERSE BY VERSE LITHOPHANE. by a.w.simpson

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Dear Brewer55, what a wonderful post, and I am in complete agreement. And I like this post by NC Renegade very much. I am sad to see that the conservatives with whom I share values are expecting a MAN (Trump/Desantis,etc.) or a PARTY to “save us”. Mr. Trump did, after all, declare the emergency on March 13,2020, which caused all of the lockdowns; and he calls himself the “father of the vaccine.” It is no longer red or blue, conservative or liberal, or even if I may say so, American or (other nation)..there is a spiritual war going on over the WHOLE earth, and it is a war against the Lamb of God, the Holy Jesus Christ, and those who love Him. Plain and simple. I have friends from all over the globe, and many of my fellow Christians are saying there is an urgency among the church (i.e., believers) to prepare, as persecution is coming worldwide. We must now strive to draw closer to Our Precious Savior, and- --if called upon to do so (like Pastor Art Pawlowski)—to defend His Name --which is above all names.

Biden Sucks
Biden Sucks
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I have the same problem with my older brother whom is a licensed physician, and my father whom is extremely religious and observant. Throw in the fact that I recently found out that both of my younger indoctrinated left wing children in their 20’s have received the Jab, and I just want to CRY. It is VERY upsetting at how some people can just agree with so much propaganda coming from every direction, as the battle against Marxism escalates in this country. Throw in this twisted critical race theory crap and making laws based on your skin color, and you can understand that the USA is not presently in a good place as our constitutional republic is on life support. I pray to God that this nightmare will be ending soon, And, I thank God that I live in the FREE STATE of Florida. God Bless Governor DeSantis.

3 years ago
Reply to  Biden Sucks

I wish I could move to a Red State like FL! I have Hemophilia and the Gvmt gave me HIV & Hep C in the medicine to treat my Hemophilia! DO NOT TRUST DRUG Co.’s OR THE GVMNT!
i don’t feel right saddling a State I wasn’t born in with my healthcare costs. ALL you healthy ppl are very blessed. Idk what I’ll do w/my Hemophilia medicine now that all these vax ppl are the ones donating blood! Pray you all don’t need a blood transfusion EVER in the future bc you WILL get vax Blood!
oh yea, I’m stuck here in R.I. where my ancestors landed after their Mayflower experience. (Descendant of John Alden & Priscilla Mullins)

Lachesis Atropis
Lachesis Atropis
3 years ago
Reply to  Biden Sucks

I still have concerns with Gov DeSantis. Why does h still keep the “Red Flag” laws in place? Why hasn’t he pushed for Constitutional carry as approx. 16 other states have?

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Trump turned out to be the only politician who listened to the little guy in America. Stand proud with him and don’t wet your panties b/c you’re afraid of a little criticism.

Guns N Rosaries
Guns N Rosaries
3 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Uh, Trump listened to the little guy, and then gave him a “vaccine” to boot.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Pride and arrogance, look where it has gotten you,(us.)
Maga without repentance? How is that going?
From another Sue up above. ” Mr. Trump did, after all, declare the emergency on March 13,2020, which caused all of the lockdowns; and he calls himself the “father of the vaccine.”
Trump- Yet again another fine example of a ‘double minded man, ‘

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

The chaff from the wheat. Keep looking up! Jesus is coming soon!

3 years ago

Chaff from the wheat. That is my explanation when people ask. It’s the ONLY one that makes any sense to me.

James Mappy
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

Boy can I relate! My siblings believe nobody EVER has been injured by a Vaccine. EVER! We were all raised in the same Christian home, but they believe EVERYONE is good & there is no evil in this World. None! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I have to agree with you, there are so many people now like your brother.I wonder if it has to do with what the Bible says that there will come a day when we will have to walk away from those we love.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

My little brother and my big brother both died within 6 days of each other last month [April] . I had already been mourning my little brother for about two years .He and his concubine both confessed to me their complete rejection of any type of sky fairy or such similar drivel as that around two years ago . They both worshipped Bath House Barry . Hashem told me not to pray for Dougies concubine but I continued to pray for him and still sometimes do even after his death . I do not believe that G-d is restrained by time .

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Maybe inflation will get people mad or maybe TPTB will just throw in UBI to keep the slaves on the plantation. It’s much easier to be a slave than a free man. They sufficiently dumbed down the population enough that nothing will change. They won.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Preach it George!

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

wow, the last three minutes of that bit are so spot on, and this was nearly 20 years ago. Bless George Carlin, never afraid to speak the truth.

3 years ago

Those are my sentiments exactly. The second photo shows the words that I have also implied in many comment sections, but not in those exact words. If we do not band together on the WWW to let the establishment know that we mean business, then we’ll deserved exactly what we get.
The war we fight must be one of a “Guerilla Warfare” style. You move in and attack and then disappear into the background. You don’t use guns unless there is not other alternative. We must attack like Ninjas using weapons which are quiet so as not to divulge your location, thus you can take them out one at a time.
I would suggest a few but that might get me in trouble as a traitor, insurrectionist or worse. When the cops learn that they had better be on the side of our citizens or else, we may have a chance to win against all odds. If they don’t then they also become the enemy !!!

3 years ago

I am in a very Blue State and hope I can find the money to move nearer to like-minded folks soon. If the fight comes before that I will hunker down and Pray to God in Jesus’ name. He is coming soon!

3 years ago
Reply to  KAREN EGAN

I am in the same boat. I will also hunker down, but if shit comes down my driveway a war is what they will get. I am prepared to meet my maker, but they had better be as well. This granny is a bit spicy!!!!

3 years ago

The ‘coronavirus’ and the (fake, not-a-) ‘vaccine’ are Clearly a Biological Warfare Attack on the entire World. It is Effective, along with the rest of the Petty Tyranny being imposed by ‘governments’ at the behest of their (((corporate masters))).
People who ‘go Along to Get Along’ with the Pogrom weren’t going to “resist” even Blatant Tyrannical Acts like Gun Bans/Confiscation. I’m beginning to think that those who are ‘self-Darwining’ aren’t worth “Saving” now anyway.
Those who are going to Refuse the (fake, not-a-) ‘vaccine’ need to consider that When, not if, the ‘government’ makes it ‘mandatory’, that this is the same as Gun Bans/Confiscation. Consider the ‘medical-industrial complex’ to be Valid Targets.

3 years ago

Hmm, maybe I’m the one out of step here,but being in my mid 70’s and having been married to a beautiful woman for 48 yrs, 2 months, 6 days and 8 hours, will this untested vaccine help me to see my wife again, sooner than later? It’s been 4 yrs since she’s gone/ So I got the ” vaccine” just to shut my son and daughter in law up ( they both work in health care as does my two granddaughters )

3 years ago
Reply to  alfie

I am sorry you have lost your beautiful wife for now, until that day comes as it comes for us all. In the time being your generation has much work to be done. You are the only age bracket that can test the edges of this offense on humanity without losing job and going into abject poverty with the young ones. We need you all to think bravely and not let yourselves to be victims. I have not worn a mask nearly at all this last year and I cannot tell you the disappointment I have had seeing older veterans subjegating themselves under false orders, when we need them so desperately to walk through the stores and say to the children “please don’t wear a mask for me, please do not be afraid child, you are not at risk”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fish

I am an old retired soldier. My wife and I travel extensively but only in states with constitutional carry. We never wear a mask, only when in a doctor office and we both pull it down immediately after check in. We previously owned a farm and selling it has become our worst mistake. If we enter an establishment that pushes the mask mandate we tell them it is their loss, turn around and walk out. Most places we have no trouble. It could be the weapon on our hips deter the person at the door from saying a word to either of us. We are now parked in a very secluded section of the country on a friend’s farm thanks to his kindness and need for help with the farm. We will soon make a run to empty our storage units and bring everything necessary to hopefully survive the coming troubles. It is easy to see God’s wrath pouring out on the world if one opens their eyes. All my family is in Louisiana which is having another flood after 2 terrible hurricanes. The good are as subject to the wrath as the bad. When all this started and the churches willingly closed their doors it should have been a bellwether sign that organized churches are dead. I wrote a scathing letter to the southern baptist convention telling them just that. They sent me a milk toast response. Churches should have long ago thrown the US flag out in the street and worshiped God and not the state. Prepare for the pain, it is going to get worse and NC Scout says. Our country and the world have turned their backs on God, this is the penalty. Be safe, be strong.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  alfie

Respectfully, since you did not resist the jab you assuredly will not resist the other evil that is coming.

3 years ago

“Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

Lachesis Atropis
Lachesis Atropis
3 years ago

Careful, some alleged Christians will take offense at quoting a Catholic.

3 years ago

Lachesis,YOU HAVE THAT EXACTY BACKWARDS,the Catholics stole it from GOD,he was the one who said it first….

Lachesis Atropis
Lachesis Atropis
3 years ago
Reply to  arizona

No, you are wrong. So many self righteous born again Christians. Funny how it was the Protestants & born again Christians who relentlessly attacked the Roman Catholic Church since at least the 1950s, along with the far left liberals. You keep good company. In late 1950, corrupt Vatican officials along with Protestants helped created the Novus Ordo Mass, which destroyed the Church. Look it up. Personally, I believe Pope Francis is a Heretic, an apostate from Hell, and the Vatican controlled by the NWO globalists. When ever I question someone who claims to be born again, I’m attacked on a personal level, sounds oddly familiar. I’ve endured and witnessed your HATE for many years, along with the hypocrisy. There have only been a few born again Christians that I’ve met that have impressed me. If you have to go out of your way to tell me you ae a Christian, I’m watching my back. Continue placing judgement at your own peril. I have many questions for those who claim to be Christian, and I never get anything but attacked? I ask questions with all due respect, because I truly want answers! If you can respond to my questions without becoming nasty, then I’ll listen. I ask hard questions of Priests as well. My experience with self proclaimed born again Christians has been mainly negative. Sad. Keep your hate to yourself. Keep your propaganda to yourself as well. If you want to genuinely answer my questions, provide evidence as well. Acting like the left does tells me you have no answers.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

I like the way you think. Mostly because you think! Let me go out of my way to tell you I’m NOT a Christian. Lol.

Clay Budreau
3 years ago

So many blind guides have led Believers astray. Too many Christians in the west speculate and wonder when the “Tribulation” will begin. Armenia and much of Africa, in Chyna, India, and much of the Middle East Christians have been in great tribulation for years. Christians in the western countries are in for a very big shock. Many will fall away as they rationalize their complicity in the tyranny that is surely coming.

3 years ago

I consider no religion but as does Hashem only a mans heart .

Laura Kathleen Johansen
Laura Kathleen Johansen
3 years ago

Hi Lachesis Atropis, I grew up Catholic but when I was 32 I got saved when I read a Gospel message in a book. It was at that moment that the Lord opened my eyes to my sin and my need for a Savior -- THE Savior. Anyway, that is a TINY nut-shell of my testimony. What questions do you have? I would love to have a back and forth with you if you’d like. I say this with sincerity. It’s good to have civil and kind discussions. If you’re interested then please PM me on my Facebook page. My name on FB is Laura Dolen Johansen. I’d be glad to talk with you! 🙂

Lachesis Atropis
Lachesis Atropis
3 years ago

Thank you for being civil. I apologize, but I do not have a Facebook account, and never will.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
3 years ago

“we aren’t our founding father’s. Sometimes its hard to believe we even have the same blood lines. People keep asking, “what can we do?” What did our founders do when faced with a much less invasive tyranny? They declared their grievances and rightly justified shooting the bastards! But these are different times and we are surrounded by selfish, narcissistic, self-serving, godless fools and cowards.”

Eh, the Founders noticed this too. See the Declaration of Independence:
“all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

And look at Patrick Henry’s speech, or Sam Adams “lick the hands” speech. Kicking off a Revolution is not easy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul Bonneau
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul Bonneau

Did you ever read of any revolution in a nation, brought about by the punishment of those in power, inflicted by those who had no power at all? You read of a riot act in a country which is called one of the freest in the world, where a few neighbors cannot assemble without the risk of being shot by a hired soldiery, the engines of despotism. We may see such an act in America.

3 years ago

Somebody needs to go first…to list the grievances and begin shooting the bastards. Unfortunately, courage is lacking for anything other than ranting.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Someone has already gone first. His name is Kyle Rittenhouse. He has considerable courage.

3 years ago

I can still hit a live target at a mile and half. Viet Nam 1968-71 snipper. i will not give up my freedom to any one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

What kind of round do you shoot?

3 years ago

Why haven’t you gone out and shot the mailman*? This is a serious question. For many years I’ve seen a lot of gung-ho people decrying the cowardice of everyone else for not doing… what the gung-ho guy isn’t doing either. Again, this is a serious question meant to provoke thought. The reasons you haven’t shot the mailman are likely the same as everyone else’s so if you can answer that question about yourself, you are closer to understanding what needs… oh screw it, I’ll just tell you:
We need someone to tell us a needed action is moral before we do it; we need to be part of a group of people to reassure us that the action will be repeated by others so that our efforts will have a real effect, not just farting in the wind. The Left knows this about our psychology, which is why they expend so much energy to subvert and destroy leaders and organizations. They basically blew up their #1 weapon, media trustworthiness, just to vilify Trump. The Matt Gaetz nonsense is another example of the Left trying to nullify anyone with balls on the Right who might rise up as a leader. It is safe to say that anyone on the Right that hasn’t had a major smear campaign or legal accusations levied against them has already been subverted by the Left. If they have been around awhile, they probably visited Epstein’s island or townhouse.
None of this can happen online, as 2/3 of the people signing up will be federal agents and the third guy will be too retarded to realize that anything organized online is going to be 2/3 federal agents.
*[FBI: please note that ‘shooting the mailman’ is a euphemism for taking legal actions within the limits established by law to counter federal overreach, for example writing strongly worded letters to the editor of the local paper or organizing bowling leagues.]

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Stop looking for leaders and be the leader.
Beyond that, its less about leadership than ideals. Team Right doesn’t really do ideology and that is a damned shame.
Ideology is the lifeblood of revolution, peaceful or otherwise. And note “The Constitution” isn’t ideology its a slogan.
You want to take over, fine and dandy. All those “Run Home to Monticello, Wannabe Cinninatus types or hell Trumps’ who just want the good life are in for a nasty surprise.You break it you bought it.
You are now the government and while you can push some things down to local or whatever, , not do some things, do other things, you’ll be policing, collecting taxes and all that stuff.
On top of that you’ll hunting down counter revolutionaries and subversives for decades.
This sucks but once you plant that acorn, in an interegenum it will grow into a mighty oak of freedom and morality. Sorry to say that tree might not be for you but future USA the one you bleed for will be a great place to have a family.

3 years ago

Perhaps instead of picking up guns and shooting the logical next step would be “no taxation without representation”. If we are really going to follow the Founding Fathers then we don’t need to start shooting, people just need to quit paying taxes in massive numbers because we no longer have real representation in our government. I like the idea of not playing by their silly rules anymore. We can use physical gold/silver to trade under the table and continue commerce or perhaps there are decentralized exchanges for crypto that would fly under big brother’s gaze. I believe this is the logical next step… big groups of people exiting their stupid system and refusing to pay taxes anymore. Then they have to bring the fight to us rather than us to them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony

Or an even better question, “Why do I want to be presented as something I am not?”
As an actual, factual, publicly declared American, I have no Federal Income, no State of State income, and as a result, have no tax liability. Since I do not claim the privileged status of “taxpayer,” I have no reason to donate a portion of my earnings to the “Federal Cult.” Keeping 100% of what I earn is quite enjoyable.
Because I am a grown man, I “present myself,” and self-govern. I have no need of “re-presentation” as a foreigner.
What is needed is a long, hard look at what has been done to us over the past 150 years, and the fraud, breach of trust, and malfeasance done to us (primarily by the “U.S. Military,” who was in charge of our money).
Freedom never went anywhere. You did.
You can “secede” and come out from “her” (the foreign “U.S. government), or keep laboring away and trying to change “the system” from the inside, as a peon/employee/”unit” of these foreign governmental services corporations.
But whatever you choose, remember, it is your choice what you experience: freedom, or slavery. This train has left the station, and whether you are onboard or not is wholly irrelevant to where it is going.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony

By all means starve the beast. Withdraw your consent of the illegitimate government and it’s corporate enablers is the first and best thing, They hate us and plan to kill us but too many still support the amazon, apple, google Bolsheviks. Cut the cable and buy only what you absolutely have to, Stop consuming and waste as little as possible. Fools lining up and paying big bucks for some coffee and milk in a nice cup at starbucks are the worst.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  Roman

This is useful unlike tax protests or other such nonsense.
A last bit of advice, if you get organized , unless you whole group is built around some economic theory, anyone starts in on taxes, economics or any such thing, kick them to the curb. They are at best a disruptive element. At best.
This is a values fight not an economic one. Obviously not Communist leaves a lot of wiggle room anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
3 years ago
Reply to  Tony

There are no easy ways out
Gold/Silver swaps won’t work since this society is no longer high trust. In such a system buying groceries would be like doing a drug deal every single time. Unless you’ve known the person for many years and know they aren’t compromised, every transaction comes with the assumption you might get shot or robbed.
Crypto depends on the Internet and the Feds can mess that up any time they wish.
Tax evasion won’t work as the US is a reserve currency and can run the presses till the cows come home. No one has a better currency on hand and unless all trade stops, everyone wants to export.
What you can do nice and legal is to cut off media buy a lot less and try and buy from friendlies only.

3 years ago

The colonists, our Founding Fathers, put up with about 100 years of the British monarchies bullshit before they decided enough was enough.. I believe WE are just about there… I wonder if the ex prince Harry getting offed would start the ball rolling?? That would be kind of ironic, don’t you think??

3 years ago

Live in Florida. Went to the bank this morning. The cop at the ATM didn’t have a mask on. Two guys behind him did. I didn’t either. While I was waiting, I was invited into the main lobby by an employee to use another ATM. No asked me to mask up or if I had been vaccinated. +1. Went to Public & just walked in, no mask. No one pestered me. Most paranoids masked, even in the parking lot. +2. Went to CVS maskless. At the pharmacy counter, the pharmacist didn’t care. However, cashier at the front told me to mask up before the transaction. Said, listen kid, it’s okay, just ring it up so we can get in with our day. +3, -.5

Sister Susan
Sister Susan
3 years ago

Yesturday a friend who got the jab said he was sick of waiting for God to help him and that he wished he could kill all God’s children and God.
My roomate also got the jab and he thinks its people like him who are saving this planet. This time is really exposing people. There have been so many times I wanted to fight against this and almost feel like I jave to fight NOT to feel that way because I honestly believe this is the end. The fact that people are turning on God and specifically Christians.. It shows the world is mostly reprobate minded. Even your article states this fact. You can’t fight that. Jesus says this vengence belongs to HIM. Not us. Ive been homeless for 7 years now. No help in sight and a rare disease. Cant even get housing. God didnt do any of these things to me, mankind did this to people. Honestly.. Count your blessings. So many are going down quicker than you and its not like anyone did anything to help. Expect the same. Expect worse actually. This is going to be very hard to refuse the NWO and to possibly die for your belief and faith but you make that call. Work out your own salvation and I’ll work out mine.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Sister Susan

Yes, we are to endure through these days, these times. Stand up, hold on to the Faith. we are not alone, He is not coming for the True believer, He is here within us! This must happen as foretold. Praise Him.

3 years ago

Sometimes its hard to believe we even have the same blood lines.”
Americans don’t anymore. And a lot of them have sold out to other tribes.

3 years ago

There isnt going to be any fighting, there isnt going to be any resistance. The tyrants know this. You all know this, The sheep all know this, God himself knows this. All there is, is kicking and screaming, yelling and complaining, bitching and moaning, and the threat of violence that gets thrown around in ways that have people rolling their eyes… If resistance were going to happen, it would have already happened. Hell, if any meaningful, organized resistance were in the works, it would attract people in hoards asking how they could be useful.There is none… Food drives are more organized..Why?, because people are not willing to give up their cushy lives, their consumer debt, their car payments parked in the driveway, their 401k’s that are going to be fleeced in order to stand against the communist bastards… The left has the capability to get away with kicking in the doors of prominent Generals and Mayors, throw them in jail, burn down cities, and shoot unarmed vets, All while we bang away on our keyboards protesting in the strongest possible way
Until I wake up one morning, flip on my computer and learn that a few prominent leftys have taken to selective lead poisoning in true ‘ save your country from the tyrants’, fashion, while walking to their cars,walking their dogs, sleeping in their beds, or pumping on their mistresses, or man hoe. All the chest thumping and hand wringing is just that, and, You are delusional if you think moving to a red state is going to fix this. Red state representatives are the very people who refuse to stand against this! You think they are magically going to go to the mattresses with the left, just because you move there? You really think red states would be willing to war with the left?…No way, not even legislatively. If Biden had even a fraction of the resistance Trump had it would show they were at least trying. Im bailing out of this burning plane when retirement age hits along with the other sane senior citizens.. we will take our social security checks and sell the house for cash and move to some undeveloped country that doesn’t have the technology to neatly pigeonhole their citizens.
Honestly, I am at the point where I’ll gladly haul my water, grow my own food and cook over fire, rather than live life in a sterile environment for the good of my community. Even the Philippines, with China breathing down their necks is a better pick than the U.S. At least they are still Christian, China would be in for one hell of a fight if they attempted to snuff out Christianity in the Phil. Even Russia looks better.Orthodox Christianity flourishes in Russia….We like to complain about Putin and how he deals with his political opponents.. But maybe we could learn a few things from him.. I mean, We ARE losing our Country and our freedom. At what point do we put away the self rightiousness and phony indignation. Sometimes the ends justify the means.
I’ll wait for the hate mail.

Last edited 3 years ago by simmerjet
3 years ago
Reply to  simmerjet

No hate mail from me. You nailed the reality of it all. This has been basically stated on several sites but cognitive dissonance still prevents people from seeing through the fog. It’s getting to the point where the whole Patriot defiance stuff is looked at as a big joke. If none stood up for Rittenhouse, the Jan 6th debacle, the stolen elections, etc. then nothing will be done. Understandable people don’t want to lose their house, 401k etc but they don’t realize they are going to lose it all anyway because that’s what communism does. Leaves you with nothing. If not them then their kids.

Clay Budreau
3 years ago
Reply to  simmerjet

No hate here. Everything you say is unfortunately too true. Go ahead cut and run but to think that you as an ex pat american will be accepted in most of the countries where folks haul water by hand and have a subsistence living after this plague has hit is delusional. You will eventually be on the menu. The locals will blame and envy and mistrust you. There is no place to run to. Stand is all we are asked to do. The battle is spiritual.

3 years ago
Reply to  Clay Budreau

O I C…. You mean stay because the ” cut and run” idea will put me in an environment where I wont be accepted, where I will be blamed and envied and not trusted, and eventually, end up in the big black cauldron over the fire in the middle of the village..
So I might as well stay where I am, where I can enjoy inclusion, so long as I’m not white, Diversity, so long as I accept Burning, Looting and Murder. and Equality, so long as they get to take my stuff ?

3 years ago
Reply to  simmerjet

No hate mail here. But I don’t think there is ANYWHERE to go!! Even in the deepest jungles your cell phone works. With all the “not a vaccine, vaccine” takers they are building up for a grand finale the likes of which this world has not seen. I plan on staying in my community and helping as I can.

3 years ago

I firmly believe that the battle lines are being drawn, and all of us MUST decide NOW whom we will serve -- Our God, or the evil men and the principalities and powers behind them.
Joshua admonished the Jewish people BEFORE they entered the Promised Land, to be strong and courageous, and to CHOOSE THIS DAY whom they would serve, choosing to serve serve either the God of Israel, or the gods of men. He then said, “But for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
I believe that’s where we are right now, we all must decide between good and evil, between righteousness and sin, between darkness and light, and between loving the Lord Our God and serving Him no matter the cost, or turning our backs to Him and serving mortal men, evil laws and immoral governments.

Clay Budreau
3 years ago
Reply to  mary

It is clearly a spiritual war being waged and it’s for all the Souls left on earth this time. Time to choose whom you will serve. Will it be the God who loves you…or will it be the one who hates you and desires to destroy you and to deprive you of your relationship with the Father who created you?

3 years ago

Once a nation allows women to have the right to vote, all hint of common sense has left the public mind. It simply labels men and women equal and no one seems to know which bathroom to use. Karen’s opinion now matters and freedom becomes a thing of the past when she tells her friends that you didn’t comply with the latest dictates of the communists who have taken over your nation.

3 years ago

Something is up fer sure and it ain’t Covid. My radar alarm has been going off loudly for the past year. I mean, why all the fuss over a virus that’s 99.8% survivable? And why did the Fedgov inflate the situation by using the PCR test, the developer of which was highly pissed they were using it to find “cases”, and even worse they were cycling the samples 35-40x which was almost guaranteed to present a false positive, which would be included in the total # of “cases” which was the measure that triggered the closings, lockdowns, etc. All lies.

3 years ago

I just want to be left alone…but we know that’s not going to happen. It isn’t going to take much to light a fire in this environment.

3 years ago

Well said, comments are right on too. Sad but true. Prayers to all of us.

3 years ago

The blood of three Revolutionaries runs in my veins. Lt. Peter Heyl, Pvt. John Frise (KIA), and Capt. John Ramsaur. The problem today is there are too many “Americans” who’ve paid no price for their liberty. We’ve been diluted so much my ilk are outnumbered. I fight for freedom all the time and I can tell you it’s expensive.

Edward Louis Lutz
Edward Louis Lutz
3 years ago

Yes, over 2 decades ago- this plan was formented! The ‘powers that be’, the globalists, are open about the intention of a socialist empire. ’71- when Dave (Rockefeller) exclaimed about a clandestined conspiricy, the world remained oblivious. Hello! Here it is! If you’re still thinking about stuffing your mason jars… sorry, that day’s gone forever. Stuff your best duffle, get your most comfy treads- and hit the road. Where? 3’rd world counties.

Jeff Powers
Jeff Powers
3 years ago

Remember the Carrington event of 1859.. When this happens again,, it’s Lights out..


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