Somethings Smells about the Dayton Shooting

UPDATE: ‘Connor Betts Obituary’ From 2014 Trends On Major Search Engines Stirring Conspiracy Theories And False Flag Rumors

Still strange that obituaries for Connor Betts in Hartford are being removed.

Connor D. Betts Obituary

Connor D. Betts Obituary

Connor D. Betts, 22, of Suffield passed away suddenly Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Connor was born in Hartford on February 12, 1992, son of Kathleen O’Leary Betts, and was loved by all who knew him. 

Along with his mother Connor is survived by his four siblings, Colleen Rodriguez and her husband Alfredo; Megan Betts; Brian Betts; and Kathryn Betts all in Suffield.

More… – link deleted

Connor Betts Obituary, Suffield, CT | Hartford Funeral Homes and ……/1346637

Feb 19, 2014 – Connor D. Betts, 22, of Suffield passed away suddenly Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Connor was born in Hartford on February 12, 1992, son ..

The above link has been deleted.

Still up:


What we know about the Dayton shooting

Image result for connor betts
  • The shooter was identified as 24-year-old Connor Betts, of Bellbrook, Ohio. He did not have a record with police.
  • Law enforcement officials confirmed that the suspect’s sister, Megan Betts, 22, was among the nine victims.


h/t James Johnson

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5 years ago

What is the likelihood of there being two guys named Connor Betts and each one has a sister named Megan Betts ???

Infinitesimally small in my estimation….

Hmmmmm, something’s very fishy in Dayton. False Flag ????

What does the F.B.Lie know and when did they start lying about it ???

The Willpower
5 years ago

This is the pic I saw of this nut-case:
He looks like a fairy and we all know how screwed-up they are. Most of the antifa look like
fairies to me.