I believe there is a parallel between the system of justice of the Hebrew Judges and the English and American colonial courts of Common Law.
And I see a further parallel in the way both peoples turned to embrace the false god of a nation state.
Let us examine 1 Samuel 8:1-20 … with some minor edits for relevance to colonial America.
- And it was, when Jefferson had grown old…
- He was surrounded by others …
- His successors did not walk in his ways, and they turned after gain, and they took bribes and perverted justice.
- And the elites of the colonies gathered …
- And they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your successors do not walk in your ways. Now, set up for us a government to manage us like all the nations.”
- And the thing was displeasing in the eyes of Jefferson, when they said, “Give us a government to manage us,” and Jefferson prayed to the Lord … the thing was displeasing because they said, ‘to judge us like all the nations’.
- And the Lord said to Jefferson when he was in exile in France, “Listen to the voice of the people, according to all that they will say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from reigning over them.
- Like all the deeds which they have done from the day I brought them out of England, and until this day, and they forsook Me and served other gods; so are they doing to you.
- And now, listen to their voice; except that you shall warn them, and tell them the manner of the government that will reign over them. You shall warn them: that the fear of their government be upon them.
- And Jefferson related all the words of the Lord to the people who asked of him a government.
- And he said, “This Constitution will be the manner of the government that will reign over you; it will take your sons …
- And it will appoint them as commanders, and to plow and to reap harvest, and to make weapons and the equipment for war.
- And it will take your daughters for its perfumers, for cooks, and for bakers.
- And it will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive trees, and will give them to its administrators.
- And it will tithe your grain crops and your vineyards, and it will give them to its officers and its slaves.
- And it will take your handsomest youths and put them to its work.
- And it will tithe your properties, and you will be slaves to it.
- And you will cry out on that day because of your government, whom you will have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not answer you on that day.
- And the people refused to listen to Jefferson’s voice, and they said, “No, but there shall be a government over us.
- And also we shall be like all the nations, and our government will direct us to go forth and wage our wars.”
One for the Despot on his Throne.
In the District where Legislators dwell.
One Government to rule them all,
One Database to mind them,
One Force to bring them all,
and in the darkness bind them.
Government …
… my precious
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Them ” deist” founders really dug into YHVH’s Holy Scriptures, contrary to the lies prevalent among academia and the woke crowd.
Time to refresh the tree of liberty, patriots.
Honest question: Did they dig in to the new covenant?
Good job
Say to them this, The alah ( foreign god) that did not make the shamayim and the arets (heaven and earth) shall perish from the arets and from under these shamayim.”
Very interesting reference document … thanks !
The title grabbed my attention.
Mr. Mattis, my 8th grade homeroom teacher, from 51 years ago, had a poster on his back wall with that quote on it and it always made me think.
I’d love to know the source of it.
I first learned the phrase in the 1970s from a colleague in graduate school who grew up in eastern NC. A little search provided the provenance https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/08/29/sit/
Sometimes I Sits and Thinks, and Sometimes I Just Sits
Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in February 1905 within multiple newspapers such as “The Pittsburg Press” of Pennsylvania[1] and the “The Buffalo Sunday News” of New York.[2] These papers acknowledged “The Boston Record” of Massachusetts. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:
Thus, the first version employed the phrase “I sit” instead of “I sits”. The originator was described as an anonymous old fisherman, and the key propagator was an anonymous bond salesman.
Thanks to Barry Popik for his pioneering research on this topic.
Sometimes I beez here, and sometimes I don’t beez here. I knew him.