Sometimes You Have to Look Back to Remember What We Are Fighting For

I saw this link in a comment here and it made me think about what the two sides are fighting for in this country. The other side is fighting for immorality, abortion, a new world order without God, power, reducing the population and enslaving this new reduced populace to serve them.

The people whom we are fighting against do not have a clear understanding of the values, sacrifices and work that went into building this country. They are easily led by Communist promises of a utopia where they are entitled to everything. They do not look past the man behind the curtain pulling the levers that will actually build a dystopia.

I do not know who will win this war for our country’s soul. I only know that we who have a firm reliance on Divine Providence know what our final reward will be. I cannot imagine a country without fond memories of a beloved childhood. But that is what we will pass to our children and grandchildren if we lose.

Father, show us Your path and ensure that we act with Sacred Honor.

David DeGerolamo

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Richard C. May
Richard C. May
5 years ago
5 years ago

The old saying is “hindsight is 20/20”. 2020 is here and I’m doubting our track record, it seems we’ve missed out on some of our duties. I am, still, grateful for the good times.

5 years ago