Sorry, Virginia, There Is No Sanity Clause

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, Charlottesville, alt-right, Antifa, BLM, terror, car, media, race

by Stilton Jarlsberg

If there was a Stupidity Olympics, it might well look like what the world saw in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend. Idiots came from all over to participate in the Games, with oversight (and we use that word in every possible sense) and rules administered by as striking a bunch of ideological nitwits as you could ever hope to assemble in one place.

It isn’t easy to comment on exactly what happened because the incendiary events became perfect fodder for alleged journalists (and politicians) to say whatever the hell they wanted to whether it was factual or not. Hurricanes only wish they had this kind of spin.
According to the mainstream media, Donald Trump’s enthusiastic embrace of Nazis and the KKK inevitably manifested in a White Power hate rally. And when lovable Leftists peacefully protested, a number of them were deliberately mowed down by the speeding car of a White racist causing one death and many serious injuries. So horrific was the racist violence that a police helicopter fell out of the sky just from watching the carnage, causing the tragic deaths of two officers – but upping the tally to “3 killed in violent confrontations” throughout the entirely delighted media.
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7 years ago

The level of propaganda coming from the government controlled media is staggering…