Sound of Freedom

I went to see the Sound of Freedom on Monday. It was sold out. I went back yesterday on the 4th of July to see it and we were able to get into the theater. Observations:

  1. The average age of the audience was over 65 and probably over 70.
  2. There was a young couple in front of us. They left after 15 minutes.
  3. A short video was played prior to the movie concerning the Star Spangled Banner. The theater was over 95% filled and everyone stood up and most sang along. A few years ago, this would have brought a tear to my eyes. Today, I saw a generation who have been relegated to history’s dumpster. In ten years, a majority of America’s population who lived the “American Dream” will be gone.
  4. Going to see a movie is not fighting evil. We must do more.
  5. The movie is worth seeing. For those with short memories, Donald Trump saved thousands of children from a similar fate. When Biden usurped the office of the President, one of his first acts was to rescind Trump’s measures concerning child trafficking. We know who the enemy is.
  6. The child sex trade is alive and well in our country thanks to open borders, politicians paid off by cartels and the CIA.
  7. The child sex trade is alive and well in our country because Americans fund this evil by abusing and murdering these innocents. We must never accept sin pushed on us by evil in this country. I posted videos last week of “Pride Parades” that are sanction sexual perversion in front of children.
  8. I am not a homophobe as I do not fear queers. Labels like these should be exposed for the color revolution that is being waged against the people of the United States. I am against accepting sin in order to destroy our culture and religion.
  9. The churches are complicit in this evil with their silence.
  10. The sexual perversion celebrated in “Pride Month” is the government’s and media’s attempts to normalize evil.
  11. There was no mention of the organization started by Tim Ballard to help continue his work unless it was buried in the closing credits.
  12. Remember the revelation that Hunter Biden was having improper relations with his underage niece? Google cleansed it from their search engine. Duckduckgo has one “hit”.

Here is the information for operation underground railroad. Please consider making a contribution to someone who is making a difference fighting evil.

David DeGerolamo


We lead the fight against child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation around the globe. Our work has no boundaries- we go to the darkest corners of the world to assist law enforcement in rescuing children and ensure ongoing aftercare. We provide critical resources to law enforcement and preventative efforts that benefit at-risk children worldwide.

Our resolve never falters, and we will faithfully persevere until every child is safe. 


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1 year ago

I went to see this last night and the Theater was about half filled which should have been standing room only. People are still a sleep and have no clue as to what is going on in their own country let alone the world of child Trafficking. the movie was really good and showed a very shadowy evil world of how these satanists operate. Me personally I didn’t need a movie to relate to me our nation is the biggest importer and exporter of child trafficking, I already was aware of it over Thirty years ago.
This is a scourge on our nation and our leaders who are involved in this wickedness, especially the Slut dog pedophile in the white house who can’t account for 85,000 of these children who crossed the border under his terrorist reign with aid of the cartels, and then sold off to catholic charities and other type similar so called Chrisitan groups for wholesale to nefarious people and pedophiles.

1 year ago

I fight the urge to throw up in my mouth when I see reports of a Lutheran Church including the “Sparkle Creed” in its services. Female Lutheran pastor leads church in prayer to ‘nonbinary’ God | U.S. News ( This move is probably indicative of the congregation’s liberal Scandinavian roots.
Episcopalians have openly gay and married bishops. Given their laissez-faire approach on so many religious and social issues, I have never been very certain about what Episcopalian/Anglicans believe. Other than nice, traditional churches, what does that church actually offer its members today? Among nondenominational Protestant churches, some are even further along in their “whatever floats your boat” tolerance of the gay lifestyle. Come one. Come all.
The so-called Christian churches that have broad outreaches to the gay population ignore perhaps a dozen condemnations (both New Testament and Old Testament) of gay behavior in the Bible. These churches engage in “salad bar Christianity,” i.e., just pick and choose what you like on social and religious issues--but keep those donations coming.
When people call others “homophobic,” they demonstrate their illiteracy most of the time. Phobia only translates as “fear.” Few if any fear gays.
The accusers simply don’t know the difference between fear and contempt.

1 year ago

Oh, yeah. I forgot about the United Methodist Church. Isn’t there a secession movement in its ranks as many denominations refuse to participate in its gay celebration and outreach?
“And Jesus wept.”

1 year ago

Regarding #11 in your post: there was a video of Jim Caviezel at the end of the credits about the film being based on Tim Ballard’s work and his foundation of O.U.R., there were also some still pictures of Tim Ballard, his family and his work.
The theater I went to was sold out, but most people left when the credits began. There was some kind of message, sorry I can’t recall exactly, about a live or video presentation at the end, so I waited and was not disappointed.
Ashamed that it wasn’t highlighted sufficiently for others to take notice.

1 year ago

Lately I am in despair over the condition of the younger generation. I can’t shake it and have to wonder if they are not getting exactly what they deserve with their brave new world. Nevertheless, prophecy must be fulfilled and as to the woke outcome; not on my watch.

1 year ago

.” In ten years, a majority of America’s population who lived the “American Dream” will be gone.” You are absolutely right. I grew up in a very nice suburb of Columbus OH. I lucked out, my parents bought a house that was annexed to that suburb. I DID EXPERIENCE the ‘the American Dream’ even though my parents divorced and I didn’t see my father for 20 years. It all seemed so normal not afraid to go out and play ANYTIME ANYWHERE, NEVER LOCKING THE DOORS, A GREAT 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION EACH YEAR BEING IN THE MARCHING BAND IN HIGH SCHOOL, AND Ohio State just across the river. “Those were the days my friend, we though they would never end” unfortunately the real world includes Lucifer and his goals and his minions! All I can do and say is THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU HAVE GIVEN ME -- and it just maybe that I will need to give myself for you in my old age -- and I say Lord it is the very least I can to for the life you have given me -- AND FOR THE SALVATION YOU HAVE ALLOWED ME TO PARTICIPATE IN -- PRAISE YOU FOREVER!

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

As long as our border is open to illegals the child sex trade will get stronger. America is raping the innocent. This is the Biden plan. I would not want to be this man on judgement day.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

the vile fallen being that inhabits Obiden is taken its orders from his master Satan to do these evil works. This will not change one bit, but on judgment day this thing in the white house will be cast into the lake of fire with the entity that inhabits him, unless this idiot dies suddenly then the entity will flee and find another high-ranking government idiot like Biden to inhabit.