Kamala Harris says that if Congress won’t institute a gun confiscation scheme in the model of Australia’s from years ago, she’ll do so by executive order during her first 100 days.
— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) July 30, 2024
That’s not going to end well for this country. pic.twitter.com/CmWbFZbieg
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I believe that people understand very well that the communists ache with the desire to loose taxpayer funded war weapons and technology against conservative Americans. THOT’s handlers also know very well that to direct her to take such action would lead to open rebellion and violence in some quarters. Which is exactly what they want, IMHO. Clearly this road is going to get rougher before it gets easier.
Exactly, perfect excuse to invite in UN ‘peacekeepers’ to quell the uprising and rebellion against ‘democracy.’
A fool and her errand………
Meh. She is just a place holder. Her usefulness will evaporate like ice on a hot stove, once the clown show in Chicongo convenes next week.
Who gave this queen Harris to think she can sign and E.O and by fiat take all the guns away from the American people, that’s a sure way to get all of your federal useless LEO’S dead. This one, is an IDIOT of the highest order. I sure hope the feds come to my sanctuary gun Count and we will see who takes what away. she has got to be dumber than a stump.
I will see your gun confiscation and raise you a guerrilla insurgency. It’s no fun when the serfs go on the offensive. Too late at that point to cry over spilled alphabet soup.
Someone needs to inform her that this isn’t Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, or for that matter, a Cuba or a N. Korea; this is America. We still take our freedoms and liberties -- especially our God-given right to keep and bear arms -- very, very seriously. And we have done just that for well over 250 years. And that sacred tradition will not change.
The most lethal killer is the one who just wanted to be left alone to raise his family & love his God!!!No mercy…spare none of the treasonous boys in blue when the confiscation begins…they won’t be brothers…they will be targets…Period!!
They hate it when the sheep have “teeth.”
If someone wanted American quickly destroyed and begging for an OUTSIDER strong man to bring order out of Chaos, just how much better than a Civil War?
One excellent way to disarm our Nuclear Weapons as Nobody would have the full authority to use them pretty soon. Too many wannabe bosses and the Nuke Crews wouldn’t be much less divided.
See the French Revolution for examples. Napolean 2.o World Economic Forum version, anyone?
It was CHINA JOE, remember. The same idiot that obeyed CHINA’s orders to have the US Military fire off most of our high tech weapons and artillery shells off in Ukraine and “Defense” of Israel.
Is it also CHINA Kamilla? Need I really ask that question?
Guess what happens when China owns or destroys Taiwan’s microchip factories?
The China and Russia are the world supply of them.
But HEY! So What we got plenty of small arms, right?
I hope you have trusted friends and trusted family to ride out a grid down, chaos scenario as I assure you no power line men will be going out to fix those damaged power lines, nor fire trucks and Ambulances responding to fires and troubles.
A coward dies many deaths…a man with courage…dies one death & takes as many cowards with him as possible!
Wow, so very deep and wise.
Get real information like this should give you things like LOGISTICS to plan for instead of bogus Me Got GUN, Me Fight, TINVOOT and all that internet keyboard heroism.
Or did I misunderstand your seemingly implied coward? I’m not Follower. I suspect in my decades of service I’ve killed more than most of you as a Medical Soldier protecting my patients and fellow medics.
Even in civilian medical service I’ve defended my crews and patients with once a 3 pound fire extinguisher (great way to cool off a hot head try breathing ABC Powder and a FINE CLUB afterwards) as well as a heavy coffee mug when a stabbing victim we just finished working on, we had an intruder somehow get in to “Finish that Bitch” and I beat him into a trip to Boston Neuro Services.
I still have that mug and the letters from her family. Almost lost my job over that act of violence.
I can DO VIOLENCE. Apparently, I cannot do keyboard hero very well.
Agree 100% and let me put in a TINVOWOOT just for good measure. These keyboard warriors that think they are going to ride out the coming storm are as delusional as our enemy’s.
Tom how many years have you TINVOWOOTED? More than 3 that I am aware of.
Are we finally getting near the day actual action *might* happen?
Your being modest this AM, last post you TINVOOTED you did it TINVOOT X 100 or such in support of our Hosts posting that blood shed was needed.
My coffee cup has done more violence than your keyboard and I almost lost my employment for excessive violence.
Yea, go ahead and tell me how violent you can be, while typing on your keyboard as you criticize others for doing the same. Are you still cataloging comments on this web site?
LOL that should terrify people.
Still have your CIA gif you sent me to remind me of your real nature.
Still accusing people of what you doing, LOL.
May little Miss Harris be the first to knock on a patriot’s door.
Kilgali Principles. Thanks to Obongo. UN can come in to “restore” order, as a peacekeeping and humanitarian mission. Defund police and all the stand down riots give the outward appearance that this country cannot handle itself and control its people. What better but to pass a “law” that would save the citizens from the gun violence boogeyman. The gun-owners being the menace to society they are won’t obey “the gun law” so order needs to be restored and outside help is needed. The UN foreign soldiers are already here by chance.
Bingo on Obongo.
They will REALLY need to cheat her way into the WH.