At this time, I think Poland will likely try to invade Belarus/western Ukraine—with full NATO support but without NATO participation.
— Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) March 31, 2023
In other words, I think that as the Kiev regime collapses in military defeat, Poland will be the next proxy victim of this US war against Russia.
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I agree.
“All we are saying, is give peace a chance”
Consider that Poland’s leadership have told the world that they want to build the biggest military in Europe, with America’s arms and monies flowing into the country. This is exactly why Russia will roll over the Poles and the Germans, to mitigate any possible threat going forward. America is rapidly becoming a non-issue for the Russians as the world turns away from the dollar. I think this reckoning will occur much sooner than most think, with what has taken place in the space of a two-week period in the financial arena.
You could see Germany and France start to side with Russia. Germany has still been buying gas on the sly from Russia and it is amazing what you will do if you are freezing your butt off and your bills are sky rocketing and businesses are failing. Germany doesn’t have enough weapons to defend themselves much less give more to Ukraine. The Dollar is dead so doors are opening—--we will see !! Don’t call me crazy yet—-
Or, Poland takes over control of whats left of ukraine, and they have a peaceful border.
BahahhHahaaa, yeah, I know, but c’mon, it was funny for a second.
It is OK if the Nations of the world dump their dollars. We deserve to be dumped upon because we are warmongers, assassins and exploiters--and I’m talking about the bankers, here.
That said, we must immediately cease all foreign aid of every type; if we do not, are we supposed to convert dollars to yuan/rupees before gifting them our taxpayer dollars? We would not wish to BURDEN other nations with the very same dollar donations that they are trying so hard to dump, correct?
Take, of what value is Zimbabwe Dollars on the International Market?
For whatever foolish (or evil) reasons our “Leadership” (cue the clown world Anthem “Of Trannys here we be, sweet land of faggotry, of thee I sing) (no offence to the grand old anthem friends but leftists steal and mutilate everything) is trying to destroy our money.
And they will succeed. Don’t worry about foreign Aid. Nobody will need our “dollars”, just like they don’t accept Zimbabwe Dollars.
A SNIP of current Zimbabwe prices so you can get USED to them in America:
While meal prices in Zimbabwe can vary, the average cost of food in Zimbabwe is Z$9,600 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Zimbabwe should cost around Z$3,840 per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner.
Back to the subject at hand Poland, well known as the doormat of Europe due to being ridden roughshod by nearly every army that ever went into Russia and indeed anywhere else in Europe.
Seems they have delusions of Becoming a POWER Player in Europe?
Maybe that’s why they are withholding their fully functional weapons from the Ukraine situation while the rest of NATO keeps feeding everything into that meat and metal grinder?
As that Chinese Curse goes, “Interesting Times”