Sources: Coronavirus pandemic may have started in Chinese laboratory

So what are the consequences for releasing a pandemic which is collapsing the world’s economy? Once again I ask for an international treaty to suspend and destroy all government stockpiles of biological weapons and a complete moratorium on any research for such weapons.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Treaties are not a solution when there are totalitarian governments or a Moslem theocracy who could care less about following a treaty.

Only brute force is respected. And it is only by the threat of brute force that totalitarian regimes would ever conform their behaviors to the standards set forth in treaties.

Ok, so who is to be the wielder of brute force and are they willing to let their people and economy suffer to prove the malefactors wrong ??

Such enforcement needs to be overwhelming and complete.

Asking the same question: Who is it, in the First World, besides China and Russia that would unleash hell onto a nation they considered to be a malefactor ???

One should consider that once the nukes get spread around, unleashing hell takes on a much different meaning……and the reluctance of nations to unleash hell on other nations grows thusb limiting how malefactors can be held in check.

We are trying to use economic sanctions against North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran…..How effective has that been at curtailing the behaviors of those rogue states?

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

A pandemic is NOT collapsing the world’s economy!

Governments are collapsing the world’s economy!

The U.S. economy is being destroyed by tyrants at the federal & State level with this shut-down crap.

It is evil, immoral and wicked!

This NEVER was Trump’s or any Governor’s call in the first place to shut US down!

“The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves;” — George Washington

4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Dowling

Thank you, Thomas Dowling. Checked out of here when the virus hysteria took hold. Came back to see if anything changed. Nope. But one voice of sanity, yours.

4 years ago

The figures are only what the few choose to tell you. It is our choice to believe what they feed us. I don’t take the govt or their operatives word on anything. I do my own research and talk to my own people who actually work on the inside, and are not paid by Bill Gates or George Soros.
I have heard a clinical scientist pose a question, how many people who contracted this horrible virus had a flu shot? Is there a connection? I hear Fake Fauci repeat over and over again that we will have no normalcy until we have a vaccine. Is anybody listening? Think about it.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Fauci speak with forked tongue. Delay is his tactic.