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- Joe Blow on What a Waste of Our Government
Oooh, I like that…Southern accent and all. Right on, man.
More of That, please!!
Create the positive conditions for business (and everyone) to flourish, and businesses will NATURALLY come and succeed. And it will happen WITHOUT STEALING money from constituents to line the pockets of these business owners to incentivize them. Obviously they won’t kick back millions to your campaign or your Cayman Islands bank accounts if you make things great for everyone, but indeed, your constituents will certainly be happier.
Wonder who he is?
The brainless black low I. Q. moron who was sent by his constituents who he is not representing, but rather representing non elected lobbyists, corporatists and the many other whores this moron gets his payola from. Good for the white southern leader who heeds the will of his voters and what they want. Just another negro along with many others on the white plantation still, he is an embarrassment to the state of South Carolina. Him and the other chimp congressman sodomite clyburn the racist all think alike, they disgust me and they deserve to be replaced by Hispanics as the new minority,because they are sellouts to there own people.
Gee Phil tell us how you REALLY FEEL. Don’t hold back.
Was there something I missed in the video that bred this odd almost incoherent comment?
Odd comment, even from you.
Odd comment? Well then, why don’t you tell us what you really feel?
I think Phil made a very valid comment.
Many Name, you’re a well-spoken man.
Please explain it to this stupid old medic.
I’m looking forward to your silence in this query.
My take? Americans deserve the “representative” government envisioned (and codified) in the Constitution; lobbying (aka: “bribery” & “influence peddling” & “coercion”) should be a crime with severe penalties; most blacks in elected positions are there for the GIBS and have forgotten (or never knew) how a morally driven and honest government should function.
In one word: “corruptocracy.”
Honestly Hard Look is the white politicians ANY BETTER?
Politics attract Scum and low information voters and Gimme Dats (may be repeating myself) VOTE them in OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Seems to me that all politicians are corrupt (feel free to point out a honest one) so what is the point of rambling multiple insult complaining about them?
Seems The Simpsons are correct again. As all of our electronic words are kept in the cloud, We can shake our fist in the air and Shout at the Clouds.
Correct! — that ALL politicians, IMO, are as characterized above: “all persons in elected positions are there for the GIBS and have forgotten (or never knew) how a morally driven and honest government should function.”
I have stated for years that politicians are sociopaths, clever at disguising same; the ones who rise to the highest levels are de facto psychopaths: Clintons, Bush’s, Comey, Wray, BuyDen, Brennan, Pelosi, all heads of our three-letter agencies, etc.
I have stated on this forum that “The 545” should be permanently removed from their positions, never to return; we could replace them with 545 “Joe the Plumbers” and do as well.
No and it’s not incoherent, you are not paying attention to what is truly going on. my preview of the video went like this, as in many of these type situations you will notice black legislatures attacking white legislatures for all sorts of racist and inane reasons unless you are sleeping, and you have no discernment at all. I see this going on all the time even in our N.C. legislature, one attack after the next. So, my point to you, are you observing what’s going on here Michael. And don’t try branding me as some sort of Racist it won’t work; I grew up in a New York City housing project surrounded by all different races of people and never had any issues with anyone. where did you grow up Michales and who were you surrounded by?
Still incoherent Phil.
But that’s ok. Peace out.
you’re lost cause!!!
No Phil, I fail to rise up to simple bait.
BTW you might want to recognize I gave you friendly advice that Dragons Breath is a BAD IDEA for your home defense. But in fairness burning your home down would stop most robbers.
I’ll ask you a simple question. Feel free to ignore it as the habit of most here:
If you’re so vigorously against this or that on a keyboard.
Why are you not doing something about it? Yelling at the cloud isn’t action.
The Scum Politicians of both parties will always do whatever cheap trick they can for “points” with their PEEEPOPLE (spelling intentional). Racial chatter and all that. IGNORE WORDS LOOK AT ACTIONS.
The Gimmie Dats VOTE for a Living and every two years they get rousted out of their dens to vote themselves MOAR Free Stuff.
But We the Patriots are too “NOBLE” to do such voting stuff. It doesn’t WORK, TINVOOT and all that.
Weeding my garden doesn’t work If I don’t do it well and continuously.
And we spend massive amounts of keyboard time posting how Bad thing are getting and even more TINVOOT keyboarding.
Looks like the Haitians are coming to visit. Will be a test about your claim not to be racist.
Loving your own isn’t bad. Hating yourself IS BAD. Hating someone just because their skinsuit is wrong is bad. Being careful around strangers is a Good thing.
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Because of my American Indian genetics late in the summer I *might* be thought of as dark skinned. So, I am wary of the “Your Skinsuit is your uniform” folks.
Friendly fire Isn’t.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.
Real trouble is near.
Yes, indeed TINVOWOOT PHIL you get it.
Are you waiting for the Haitians Tom?
The prisoners South America sent wasn’t enough?
Hurry up and TINVOOT already.
They don’t get it.
They think, feel, and BELIEVE, that we exist to serve THEM.
Totally inverted, been telling you this for years.
THIS guy needs to be Trump’s VP
This guy will go far in politics unless the deep state “Arkancides” him.
We need more representatives like him! How dare HE represent his constituents? I fear we’ll soon read about this guy having committed suicide by shooting himself 8 times with a nail gun to the back of the head or get a call from the Great Rino TOAD POS!
That’s Rep. Adam Morgan. He represents District 20 in South Carolina.
What a hero! He understands what a Constitutional REPUBLIC is! Roll out the red carpet -- He gets it!!
Yeah! Great job, Rep Morgan!