SouthernPrepper1: Buy or Build a bug out bag TODAY

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John Davise
John Davise
9 years ago

Southern Prepper #1
I have viewed a number of your videos and read much of your writing. It looks to me like my ideology is similar to yours. I am looking for a group whose membership’s general fund of knowledge is at or near yours. I WANT TO AFFILIATE WITH SUCH A GROUP AND WORK TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION THROUGH, AT THIS STAGE, POLITICAL ACTION, DEMONSTRATIONS AND CONFRONTATIONS. From such activities we can learn who is really on our side and who is reliable. I live in East TN, and every prepper group, and even the local Tea Party, is controlled by CONservatives/Libertarians who just want to talk and do NOTHING. I want to find a group that has my level of dedication and knowledge, which is similar to yours. I want to work with a group that knows what is wrong and is now determined to defeat the groups who control this police state. I am a veteran (special warfare), long time survivalist, writer, MS degree in Political Psychology, and politically experienced. My name is John Davise.
Thank You