From YouTube:
MY prayers and support to the brave men and women that are frustrated and feel their backs are against the wall and bravely stood with Mr. Bundy.
From YouTube:
MY prayers and support to the brave men and women that are frustrated and feel their backs are against the wall and bravely stood with Mr. Bundy.
When Jon Corzine goes to jail we will then know that both Republican and Democrates are serious about restoring moral legitimacy in government. When government leaders go to jail for insider trading then we will know. When banking officials go to jail for laundering 500 billion dollars a year for the drug cartels then we will know. When government takes control over the “three letter” enforcer agencies then we will know. When government stops the printing of currency then we will know. If these things happen we will know that the “Lion and the Lamb” is for us.
AMEN JM. When the current representatives in congress and statehouses across the land demand and direct attorney’s generals and district attorney’s and special prosecutors charge, arrest and prosecute their corrupt congressional peers and others in government, the administrators of EPA, BLM, NSA, IRS, HLS, FR, etc., for violating the Constitution, along with the president and his banker and corporate friends and crooks, the American people will know that we are on the road to restoring the Constitution.
We must identify each and every violator of the Constitution and those responsible for abuses and attempts to restrict our liberties and divide citizens against each other. The corrupt media, politicians, bankers, career government, military, law enforcement all will be held accountable for violating our rights.
We must return to the rule of law and as our founders established we must follow the Constitution; however, those accused and found guilty of treason must be prosecuted and suffer the consequences under the law for their crimes against the American people.
If you are unaware or your family, friends, colleagues/coworkers are unaware of the direction this nation and the world is heading, please wake up and wake up every one you can.We must risk being seen as crazy or a conspiracy theorist. Tell everyone about the history they ignore or never learned, such as the dictators and fascists like hitler, musolini, mao, pol pot, stalin, and the many other liberals who progressed to socialists to communist and created an elite class to rule while everyone else became slaves.
These criminals and brutal dictators killed millions of their citizens. hitler ordered and the military and police follow unjust orders and brutally murdered severn million jews, as well as seven million others, including children and adults with disabilities, gypsies, resistance and freedom fighters, homosexuals and anyone else they determined not worthy of living in their socialist/communist controlled system.
It can happen here and it is in the process of happening in America. Pay attention. The controls, restrictions of our liberties, especially speech and right to bear arms, which is the only threat to their plan. If a small fraction of well armed and strategic force opposes the government take over their plans will be disrupted and then everyone will know what is happening and many i9f not most will join in and resist and disobey order to disarm, kill or detain AMericans.
Once the active duty military and law enforcement recognize that the Oath Keepers, Tea Party and the other organizations were telling the truth, they will join the resistance and we will win. WE will take back our country.
Glenn Beck and others criticizes individuals in the militia’s, Tea Party, Oath Keepers, etc. who are warning America of the reality of the situation, which is that our nation has been taken over by socialists and communist who will continue to restrict our liberties and cause division. We must unit not divide. If bBeck and other choose to only engage in non-violent civil disobedience that is fine, they must stop demonizing others who understand that protests and marches are history and were little effective in the 60’s and 70’s and less so now..
They are infiltrating our movement to disrupt and divide us; however, we will find them out and remove them. This is no time for playing games, since people will get hurt and killed in these times. Wake up! If you are a member of a militia, Oath Keepers, Tea Party or other organization, especially one that is prepared to take up arms if/when the ruling class orders action, such as to confiscate our arms, detain us, arrest our leaders and outspoken patriots, the nation will respond.
Personal and organizational discipline are essential. No one should encourage large scale action that can get large numbers arrested, detained or killed. Small strategic actions to disrupt and dismantle the machine that is in place to destroy the country as we know it are more effective. We also need to continue to inform and educate each other about events and actions of those who are corrupt.
It is time to become gray people who do not draw attention or make themselves a target. Covert is safest in these times. We do not need to identify who we are or what we believe, unless we trust that it is necessary. Some of us will be visible to encourage others to support the movement quietly.
We must pay attention to provocators and infiltrators who will attempt to disrupt, divide and discredit the movement by encouraging action that is counterproductive and can get people hurt. Some citizens will report those who are organizing and speaking out and informing others of the situations. Some will think that they will be rewarded for turning their neighbors, family and friends in to the government. These are dangerous days, so be cautious and be courageous. We must not allow ourselves or each other to become like the elite, corrupt, violent and cruel anti Constitutionalists communists.
Finally my friends and fellow patriots, Be Not Afraid. God tells us in Scripture 365 times to Be Not Afraid, once for every day of the year. Faithful Christians and other concerned citizens be kind, gentle, and compassionate. Be honorable. There is evil in the world and the corrupt are influenced by evil. Only God can destroy evil. He will use each of us and our talents, skills and abilities, most importantly our faith to make us strong and to know what to do and not to do. God will win this battle against evil. We will do His will and fight tyranny.
Defending the Constitution, like Scriptures, which is divinely inspired, is our responsibility. He will use us. If and when necessary be prepared to be strong and to stand up and defend our faith, families and freedom. God bless you. Long live the Republic. Peace, Peter ~