Southwest cancels 1800 flights this weekend. Are you putting sand into the engine?

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Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago

Patriots STOP Flying your supporting the NWO!

3 years ago

I refuse to fly ( and I am retired from the travel industry) because I am not going to walk through an airport and see people with dead eyes stare back at me from behind their compliance masks. I will not support the airlines. Period. If I never travel again it is fine with me. As long as gas is available and not 15.00 a gallon I can drive. When that becomes an issue I sit in my little woods behind my home and listen to the birds. I am glad SW had to cancel flights. Is this the THING that may wake more people up?.

3 years ago

Boycotts, lifestyle changes, disruptions … on and on it goes. We are being bombarded with suggestions, instructions, and and downright provocational ideas to be the “sandman” throwing it into the wheel.
That’s all well and good, but let’s go bigger — STOP SUPPORTING BIG TECH, BIG PHARMA, BIG BROTHER!!
Stop using corporate airlines — DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR BUSINESSES. The shut-down of the airlines has all been planned. TPTB don’t want the minions using precious fuel to fly on unimportant jaunts — they are involved in the Great Reset and you are unimportant. TPTB will reserve airline travel for the top-tier folks, and we aren’t included. Soon, there will be a TARP-bailout for the airlines, but you won’t benefit.
Stop using Microsoft — move over to Linux. Every day you fire up your computer, you are contributing to Bill Gates.
Everyone complains about censorship but they’re still on Twitter, YouTube, and Google. WTF is wrong with people? Using Big Tech engines like Yahoo, google, or Microsoft are giving them power every time you connect to them. It is past time to completely boycott YouTube — stop using them for an income stream, stop featuring YT videos, stop patronizing them. Period!
Forget Farcebook and Twitter — they are neoMarxist avenues. Unless you’re promoting that crap or want to add to the incomes of Zuckerberg or Dorsey, boycott all.
If we are not part of a REAL solution to stop the rabid takeover of Amerika, we are aiding and abetting. Tighten your belts, harden your hearts. We’re at war. Stop supporting what we do not believe in.

3 years ago

Just a reminder, mail and freight travel in the belly of those aircraft. Lots of it. Shut it all done.