At our business, we have taken steps to protect our clients’ data from a nuclear EMP attack. That means storing electronic data on DVDs, making hard disk clones and storing them in safes. These measures will also help if the country has another cyberattack that impacts the Internet and/or the electrical grid. Mr. Muir’s footer in the second cartoon should start people thinking about interrupted “services” and what measures will be needed to circumvent or survive them.
We live in strange times because people took Liberty for granted. It doesn’t matter how we got here. It only matters what we will do now that the price is coming due. I suppose most people do not care that the Old Republic was overthrown by an illegal Deep State. The necessary pain to motivate people is just starting to be noticed at the grocery store and gas pump. At least COVID-19 is recognized as part of a plandemic to make people beg for a gene therapy to make them transhumans.
David DeGerolamo
I have found very few people who really do.
Not really sure it has.
God have mercy on out nation and world. They have no idea what they are asking for and what the ramifications of this really are.
They made their choices pure and simple. What I don’t like is, their choices becoming my emergency.