— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 16, 2024
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If we have a Space Force, why the hell do we need NASA?
How much could we save if we ended NASA?
Elon, Vivek, got an answer?
The word on the street is that Never A Straight Answer is and has always been a store front with which the deep state funds black projects. Including a “secret space program that includes a current colony on mars, space battles with aliens on the dark side of the moon for possession of mineral mines, WARP drive and time travel technologies.” Art Bell, Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges have long been proponents of the theories in quotations, and disseminators of intel (from their secret sources) and such info. I’m not sure how much of the above I actually believe, but that is what has been to be declared to be the true purpose of NASA by some corners of the universe. With the CIA’s long standing involvement in lying to the American public it is hard to really know at this point.
United States says this .Show is the numbers United States.
What does that mean?
How much money have we spent to say we saved money? My guess this is more government math. Bureaucracy math.
Elon Musk is a couple decades ahead of any government space program (except that secret program what has starships, wink, wink, nudge-nudge) and he’ll reach Mars long before any NASA paper shuffler gets off their fat ass. Just to let you all know, the US space shuttle was obsolete before it left the ground on its first flight--and the entire program was dialed severely back in the 80’s when it was realized that it was a money pit--and only kept because it made everyone in the country shout, “Murica” every time time it launched--which after the first few launches, everyone could give a rats a$$ about.
On the other hand, If we gave Burt Rutan about 1 billion dollars in grant money back in the 90’s, he’d have a colony on the Moon and Mars by now--and declaring independence from Earth.
That assumes the money should have been spent in the first place. IT SHOULD NOT. That is the problem with ELON in charge of anything. He is a perennial rent-seeker. He will NEVER cut his own profits, regardless of how much stolen taxpayer monies are being WASTED.
So Elon Musk and Boeing are awarded contracts from the government. SpaceX is less money and successful whereas Boeing was a complete failure. And your assertion is that it is Musk’s fault.
Dave, i know you do not want to see it. But do you remember being told and advised to look in to the character of the man? His wife, His associates etc. Trump and Musk and anyone else connected. JD Vance, Peter Thiel.
Musk at the moment seems very apparent to be Trumps right hand man. Could be Important.
we should not Judge these men, but we should look into them and see beyond the surface.
Follower maybe I misunderstand Judging, but your comment IS Telling people to Judge a man.
“Could be Important” is nearly slander in Bible terms. If somebody publicly sort of said you were “interested” in little boys “Wink, Wink” but didn’t actually say the “P” word would that be OK?
I BET it would NOT be OK. So why have double standards to what you’d be willing to have said about yourself and a public figure?
Matthew 7
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
He is HUMAN, give Musk and Trump the grace you ask God to GIVE to you.
GOD’s GRACE is Given, nothing we mere humans can Do to earn it.
2 Timothy 1:9
9 He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
It is wise to look at the fruits of a man instead of the CNN (or Alternative Media as I SUSPECT you’ve never Spoken to Trump or Musk in your life) “Gotcha News” about anybody not in favor of the Powers that Be.
I bet the folks in western NC are happy Trump brought in supplies using his own money and Musk put in Starlink communications for free.
Almost “Good Samaritan” level fruits, I’d say.
Please remove the Beam of TDS (and Musk envy, need I cut and paste your X10 I comment a few days ago?) from your eyes, follower.
He does not tell us to walk through life blindly. Will post more on this. Yes please post along with my reply.
we are to vet them. Not just by their “outward appearance,” their worldly accomplishments. People look at these men solely on their status, their, wealth, their many accomplishments, so as i said “The surface.”
We are taught also to test the Spirits. 1John4:1
Many now want to say these man are Christians. (Christ like) are they? This New age (reformation) religion ,that we can see pretty well now is not what Christ nor His Disciples taught.
Where were we told our wealth would be? In this world or elsewhere?
What are they promising, what are they saying we and our children ‘deserve’?
You in fact are also judging them! By their surface. Can you see this?
Your envy is blinding you.
Pray for wisdom how to remove this beam out of your eye.
First Timothy 3:12 w hat do you call this? Stop being so stubborn.
I hear Jesus who I understand we are to emulate was pretty stubborn about pointing out errors of the Pharisees.
And what PRAY TELL does the scripture about a Deacon should have to do with your stubborn blindness?
You maintain that if we look into a persons character we are guilty of judging them. Yet we are told by our Master to look into a mans character before making them a deacon in the assembly.
So, Judge in the assembly but not in the world? No.
If you can’t see this, i will go no further. This has become far to ridiculous for me to put up with!