Special Report From the Front Line in Ukraine

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I do not believe any of the propaganda about Ukraine, the Nazi army in Ukraine is real that I believe. Zelensky is a puppet of the NWO and as vile as the rest of his comrades, comrade biden is trying to protect the NWO interests.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Right friggen Answer.
Oblackazz and the deep state installed Zelensky. Nazis run this shithole country.

Hazel Wanamaker
Hazel Wanamaker
2 years ago

Russia has more surface to air missiles that all the aircraft in the U.S. and NATO inventories. The U.S. has anought air to air missiles to take out one, maybe two wings of Russian aircraft. Bush eliminated our peacekeeper icbm system (LGM-118). Clinton eliminated our Backscatter radar screen.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

This what is happening in Ukraine. Another website to read about this; take the time to read theSaker,is . He is exposing the criminal Biden organization and the nazis in Ukraine

Last edited 2 years ago by Randolph Scott
Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

I personally would like to thank Vladimir Putin for ending Covid. He replaced the narrative. Spassibo, Vlad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

I agree and was just saying he should be given the Nobel prize for medicine for making COVID disappear in one day.

2 years ago

I have no reason to doubt Bentley but be advised he’s an admitted and convicted communist.

2 years ago

I solidly stand with Russia and with Putin. The United States and Europe is ruled by a few banker criminals who counterfeit money and loan it to us. The politicians are falling all over themselves trying to get the bread crumbs they are thrown at them by these bankers. The government structure is, consequently, inept. The Pentagon and the CIA regretfully follow the bankers agenda.

What makes these criminals so powerful? They are merchants of counterfeit money. In the USA our personal debt is 14.5 trillion and these bankers pull a trillion dollars a year on fees and interest alone. Americans no longer understand that money is suppose to be issued by the government and it is issue debt free. With a worst economy credit card usage will become more necessary to make ends meet. Between 2007 to 2014 they foreclosed on 10 million homes. The government stepped in and balance the bank’s books and no one said anything even as tent cities were forming. The assets, that is the houses, were kept by the banks. They have stolen all legacy public billion dollar corporations using asset management firms and you can plainly see this in Yahoo Finance. In ten years they are going to control more money than the entire GNP of the USA.

These bankers are pouring billion to control the public mind. They are very good at this because the majority of Americans cannot hold a conversation about what is really going on in the Ukraine but they are complacent with allowing the war to spread. If you question them they simply get mad and run away. This happens because they are wholly educated by shallow propaganda in mainstream media. They have never learned critical thinking skills and pair patriotism with being anti-Russian. No peoples this did not start with Russia, it started with NATO backed militias killing thousands Ukrainian-Russians. The CIA helped the Ukrainian government develop bioweapons, and armed bonafide Neo-Nazis for the purpose of destroying any Russian sentimental in the Ukraine. The CIA started a civil war. In private conference rooms these Bankers decide, and it is they who are pulling the strings. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I wonder if we are going to survive because people are tremendously unread. You could see the really stupid ones, they are still wearing mask while driving alone in their car.