Stand Vigilant this Fourth of July: We the People Must Be Ready, Willing, and Able to Stop Terrorists (and Tyrants)

Stewart Rhodes

Right now the media is all abuzz about the threat of radical islamacists targeting Americans over the Fourth of July weekend. I am on my way to speak at Pastor Manning’s event at Gettysburg, and in the airport I just heard one “terrorism analyst” describe how easily a lone ISIS gunman, or small team of gunmen, with full auto weapons could attack crowds at gatherings, on congested bridges, subways, etc, and easily kill fifty or so Americans. He is right, but the reason it would be easy is because of the anti-gun conditioning and sheep-like mindset that causes most Americans to choose to go unarmed, and also, usually, totally untrained and unprepared to deal with any active shooter situation. They are conditioned to leave their security to the “professionals” – the police, DHS/FBI, National Guard, military, etc. that my good friend David Codrea calls the “Only Ones” – as in “the police and military are the only ones who should have guns.”

And when Americans leave their security to government sanctioned “Only Ones” they set themselves and their children up as unarmed victims – lambs for the slaughter who bleat in terror as they die, while waiting for a professional “sheep dog” to come to their rescue.
And we have seen it over and over in mass shootings – including the jihadist attack at Ft. Hood Texas, where even soldiers were mandated to go unarmed and were turned into sheep who had to be rescued by a civilian cop, or the Navy Yard shooting, where the gunman gained access because he worked there, and went on a murderous spree with a shotgun until he was finally shot down by responding officers – and at each and every school shooting – while the unarmed “sheep” wait for the sanctioned sheep dogs to arrive, they are slaughtered in such numbers as to make the attack a “success” in the eyes of the terrorists or crazy maniacs intent on going down in history with a big body count.


h/t Jim D

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