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- Mary Combs on Grok’s Perception of Time
- Mary Combs on We Have a Problem
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- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on We Have a Problem
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Only if the people where I worked would have done the same. Instead 2 out of a 100 did not take it.
Now that is a man. Not no yellow belly SOB.
A man!!!!
AMEN !!!!!!!!
Great message. There was just too much fucking swearing! 🙂
The time for soft words is over. The time for voting solutions is over. Pretty soon, the time for talk will be over.
I agree with this man 100%. Americans, by the tens of millions, need to stop being cowards and stand up for their God-given rights and freedoms, just as he and his friends did. And I do believe, in this particular case, the good Lord will rightly forgive him the rather colorful choice of words he used to express himself. Go for it! Tell it like it is, brother!
Took the words right out of my mouth. The man speaks the truth. Time to make these people wake up and smell what they’re shovelin.
I must confess, my thoughts exactly.
nybsob, let’s go Brandon
And that, boys and girls, is a small sample of what America has been missing for a good portion of my life (and I’m friggin old). It’s called a spine, something you use to hold you head high, that gives credence to, not only your words, but your acts, you know what those are eh! Those are the things you say you will do and then do, and hold yourself responsible for, however right or wrong they turn out. Man up!