T.L. Davis: Starting Over

Jack and Erin: Start Over: Encouragement For Tomorrow

I must say that it is a remarkable time to be alive. To watch the destruction of the most powerful nation on earth with little more than a whimper is impressive; depressing, but impressive. Despite citizens being armed to the teeth, with all of the political clout on their side, all of the truth and facts in their corner, they stand in awe of a small criminal minority and tremble. As much as I despise James Comey, at least he had the courage of his convictions to mount a coup, openly engage in treason, stand tall before the congress knowing the penalty could be death and still do it. It doesn’t matter how many assurances he had that he wouldn’t be convicted or held to account, to do that in the open…well, what I would give for someone dedicated to the republic, in a position such as his, to stand for the constitution and the people of America? Quite a lot.  

The law, despite its corruption, hypocritical application, demonization as racist, derided, ignored and denied to more than half of the population, still inspires such respect that they fear it, wait silently for the Supreme Court to rule one way or another as if this were still a republic; as if the congress were legitimately elected; as if the entirety of the Executive Branch were not fraudulent.

They say: “if they steal an election, that’ll be it.” They say: “if they come for the mothers, that’ll be it.” They say: “if they come for the children, that’ll be it.” They say: “if they commit genocide, that’ll be it.” All lies. Hopes and dreams of those who have never had to lay it on the line and hope they never have to. All of this has happened in the past year and nothing more than grumbling.

It’s 1939. Are you a Nazi or are you not? It’s 1917. Are you a Bolshevik, or are you not? Will you take the mark of the beast, or will you not? You’re right at the point of demarcation. The United States will be one thing or another in six months. If you want what you’ve always had, you need to fight for it right now. If you are not a trained infantryman, you can still get involved on the political side of things. If you are a trained infantryman, it’s time to pick up the rifle and get it tuned up.



The above article closes with the following:

It’s time to start doing the things that it takes to start over. That doesn’t mean stop fighting along the way, but more and more the question needs to be, “How do we start over?”  

My fight against evil started in 2008. I never knew and would not have suspected the depth and extent of the evil this country is facing. Without going into details, I will say my plan of going Galt earlier this year has only provided me with more work and options than I would have suspected by “retiring”. All part of the Lord’s plan for me. Some people follow the Lord but not enough of us to make a difference. There is a prerequisite for following the Lord’s plan for you:

Matthew 13:15

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’

Maybe T.L. is correct: we should start considering how to start over. I personally have come to this same realization years ago. Most people do not want to see or hear about letting this nation go. When individuals start to consider this possibility, it is not easy to accept. For those of us who have come to this conclusion, our efforts have been concentrated not on taking back the Republic but on rebuilding a better future.

The key is building a better future for our children, not on building one based on greed, power or personal gratification. Want to start? Pray for guidance and listen. Then follow His path for you because we are the soldiers of God who will make a better world and defeat evil.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I do agree. There are not enough to restore. It is start over when the time comes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

“…when the time comes…”
Did you not understand the article? When they steal an election…when the come for the mothers…when they come for the children…when they commit genocide.
When the time comes. Hoo haw. Friend, the time is now. The time has been now for some while now. Maybe starting back in 2011 I wondered out loud on many blogs, Who will have my back when I answer the call? So very dismayed was I. Not surprised but very dismayed that none, a big fat zero said I will have your back.
Anyone who is on this blog and others like this blog already are on ‘the list’, more like many lists. So do you think by rising up you’ll somehow gain the attention of the spooks? Brother, they already are looking at you!
So then, let me repeat myself, who will have my back? I have one life but I will not waste it in vain. Who will have my back? My aim is to get the ball rolling to restore America to the republic.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick

I will, nothing left of America I once knew. They have turned America into a freak show not fit for man nor beast let alone children. They are on their way to mass genocide, our only choice life or death. I am an old infantryman, let us begin.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick

There is not enough gathered together to do it now. So let hope for something to disrupts enough to give us an advantage.

Unless you live an area totally different from the ones I lived in, you do not have enough either. Remember half those that talk on the internet are government shills. Well maybe more than half.

3 years ago

That none answered is perhaps evident that few read said blogs. I mean, there must be tens of thousands, even tens of millions who feel the same, of those, a large percentage at the ready. Yet apparently none read said blogs.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick

I live in a small NW AZ town when they started their mask BS our mayor jumped right on board, the citizens immediatley responded and the mask mandate was removed. Also our sheriff stated he would not enforce the mandate. A lot of retired military in our town and local militia.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Yessir, now you’re starting to get it.
You can’t save them or change them. They don’t want to change, and don’t think they need to. And will fight to the death over it.
So you can shoot them, all of them, or kiss them goodbye and leave them be.
That means many things, but it beats shooting all of them.

3 years ago

The hard part to overcome is not so much the leaders and oligarchs that are pushing these agendas, but the seemingly countless number of mendacious, small-minded and willfully cruel apparatchiks they have at their disposal. Like an army of Renfields doing the bidding of their evil masters, they have no concern so much for the agenda as for the chance to exercise their petty power over other human beings.

Just look at the smug self-satisfaction they get in dispensing their ill-gotten authority at every turn: the cop who gleefully pepper sprays peaceful protesters, the doctor who denies appropriate treatment and conceals real data, the bureaucrats who deny every request for accommodation, the concentration camp guard who threatens the already powerless people under their control, and most of all the masked Karens who wish death on everyone who does not believe the gospel of their television “scientists”.

These are the power behind the throne who act to deny any call for truth or freedom. These are the people who allowed the Nazis to come to power in Germany, and kept the boot of government firmly on the neck of those behind the iron curtain. They are legion, in every sense of that word, these self-righteous monsters who facilitate every edict of the elite. They are the rats and roaches of the dilapidated house our world is becoming.

Last edited 3 years ago by burble
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I can smell the stench of these things I cannot call them human, that occupy fed, state and local offices. They have morphed into what their master has longed for since the beginning of mankind. They all want a seat at the table, just as Walter Cronkite stated. A long slow train of treason and debauchery has brought America to it’s knees. There is only one question you need to ask yourself, life or death. Life is what I want and I am preparing my hands and fingers for war. I am an old infantryman and will not submit to this New American gulag.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

299 days. i almost stopped after book 3. Finally ordered Book 4 ( The Stronghold) and have been amazed, in particular chapter 115, the Author brings up many of these points on beginning again and actually mentions One second after and what they did also.
i do believe this link belongs here for those who are aware our world is changing. i believe this fits with the Bible and what is happening with society and this world right now.
Everyone have a good day and endeavor to work together.
5 Outrageous Facts About The Earth

3 years ago

Powerful post:
WRAL Raleigh told me when I called to find out why people cannot comment on their news articles it’s because they got too many negative comments. WRAL will not allow for public opinion. WRAL articles appear to be Communist. I think we need to confront local Communist bent news editors to public debate. I do not have means ($) to be do this. If a I am on a list so be it. I am an old American. I believe in the American Creed. Amen. We also need to confront Communist minded NC representatives to public debate ASAP. Amen.