State Of EMERGENCY Declared, hackers Shut Down Largest Oil Pipeline In US, Gas Prices SKYROCKET

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3 years ago

Check out Aaron Lewis song ” AM I THE ONLY ONE” Wheeww! STRONG ONE

3 years ago

I think I know who did it!

Boris and Natasha.jpg
Mavis Large
Mavis Large
3 years ago

Actually, the ransomware mopes didn’t shut anything down. They took control of the computer program that controls the valve and pump system. The same system that the oil company, that makes 1bn$ a day in profits, has stated time, and time again , was secure. If they are not smart enough to secure their own computer system, how many other oil company distribution systems are at risk? Maybe baizuo biden’s puppeteers were not stupid in shutting down the tax dollar funded keystone pipeline. Make the oil companies pay for their own projects, and secure their systems to a tested security standard.- idiots all!