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- Arch Stanton on Adam Schiff
- DRenegade on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
Unconstitutional, you cannot create a state from an existing state.
West Virginia is an unconstitutional state as well, but tyrant Lincoln never followed the Constitution anyway.
Article IV Section 3 clause 1
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.
What makes WV illegal is that the Virginia legislator did not vote for it.
Looks like they are creating “city states” which is interesting and likely not fully constitutional. A very interesting concept that goes back to ancient Greece.
I have seem nothing in the Constitution that states a state cannot be separate land masses.
There is no place to hide. As we edge closer to nuke war. Started by the Globalists. Something major just happened in Ukraine and no one noticed. Soledar and Bakhmut fell to the Russians. In Soledar the Ukrainian Army lost 25,000 KIA. In Bakhmut, even worse. And it only took 10 weeks. In Viet Nam after 10 years we lost 58,000 KIA. Read that again. The Ukes lost over 50,000 dead in 10 weeks! And the US MSM is trying to spin it as a Russian loss! At some point the US will have to go nuke or admit defeat and collapse. That’s the short version. The poor Ukrainians were thrown under the bus for the Empire. Never forget how many people the Empire will sacrifice. I suspect the Empire is willing to sacrifice all of humanity.
By the way, TPTB can’t let anyone break away, because it would give the break away state 2 Senators who probably wouldn’t go along with the Globo homo agenda.
not only that … it would give some HOPE
Hope its contagious and leads to rebellion,
Let them secede. Let’s not stand in the way of west coast on its road to hell.
We have more important issues on our minds than California seceding. Like gerbil eating disorders
If you understand what has to happen for this to succeed you’d realize it’s never going to happen.
Perhaps the seed of a great idea. The best that can come of the factionalized US of A, is a breakup of the country, a balkanization, if you will. We can no longer live with the decadent, lying, evil and tyrannical federal/some state governments and they no longer want us or our traditional values and ways.
If it is demonstrated by whatever means that this is will of the people, the feral/state governments have by one recourse. That recourse could be a ghastly price to pay.
Texas talked secession a couple of years ago. They got hit with an out of character deep freeze. California talks secession and gets drenching rain after years of historic drought. Weather warfare stymies attempts at breaking away. The people don’t even know they are being attacked.