Oh, yeah. Tyqueisha and Scheherazade in da hood are mos’ def’ gonna be wantin’ in on dis.
And why not, right? I mean, what is the surest guarantee a male can have that Tyqueisha is NOT going to get pregnant, and is financially independent – even someone he could hustle and mooch off of himself, and is therefore an absolute guaranteed “free ride”?
How about Tyqueisha being five or six months pregnant? With twenty grand in human foie gras just waiting to get a tiny bit cuter before harvest and replanting? Hell, Tyqueisha could double-crop. Two per year harvested at 23 weeks. That leaves a six week window to resume cycling again and conceive the next human being for harvest and sale. Hell, maybe Jon Corzine could work with the CME to set up futures on human body part commodities.
I think it is over as a nation. We will never get back the were we once where. Death will be the rule rather than the exception. We already see the rule of being ignored. No accountability for certain class of people. I predict a small civil war will break out it will be quickly put down and a communism/socialist like government will be welcomed. The people will welcome any semblance of normalcy. Corporate American will then be born. What does this haft to do with fetal tissue or stem cells. Every thing is up for sale. A two class society will be embraced. One class for the true believers and another for those who fall elsewhere. This is just a sign of what is coming. Change or die.