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AI is simply programmed by the same BS artists that currently indoctrinate the worthless teachers. Sorry, until parents take back their responsibility, children will never be properly educated. Just remove government 100% from anything having to so with education, including STEALING for parents, and all the problems will resolve themselves.
Precisely. If the AI is programmed and controlled by the same NEA member leftist scum that runs education in the US now, nothing will change for the better, (except maybe lowering the cost by eliminating human teachers, although the AI service provider will probably ensure the contract is so expensive there will be no savings).
The first and most important thing is to break the back of the left in controlling the education industry. I don’t really see how that will happen, as it is the sort of “profession” leftists flock to by nature, and those on the right largely eschew.
AI is not truly intelligent… it’s a complex heuristic software program. And these programs reflect the inherent liberal bias of the silicone valley people who created them. They will NOT be unbiased in education. They will do exactly what they were written to do….implement the liberal lefts agendas.
I really can’t understand why the so called genius’ keep calling it Artifical Intellegence. This crap is just damned computer systems. It has NO intelligence at all. Just algorithms that humans have built and trigger another piece of software that delivers the intended out come. Anyone that believes this AI horse shitt only has a few funtioning brain cells.
Step one is to set goals.
What do you want your kids to learn and what skill sets are required for success.
Currently most I meet have poor worth ethic and cannot even do simple math without the “aid” of a computer. Gee, is that a problem, Wally?
Schools should never exclude parents.
AI is a tool and a dangerous tool indeed because Parents will never know what it’s programming and THUS their Kids programming is.
What culture do you want your kids to have. That determines the habits and social behaviors deemed acceptable.
If you doubt that look to the Superbowl half time show and Philadelphia’s “Celebration” after winning.
Spot on. My good friend who is 65+ works at a local Best Buy. He has been in sales for a good portion of his adult life. He consistently outperforms his Millennial co-workers who may or may not show up, and then really do not care if they make a sale or not. As long as they have their iPhones, Monster drinks, and franken food, it’s okay with them.They make just enough to cover rent, and tickets to the next Tay-Tay concert. This country has a very long way to go before things get set right.
Shut down Department of Education. Reduce states’ bureaucracies. Put the Bible back in every school.
Amen, that would be a good start.
AI is one facet of the planned destruction of the admittedly dysfunctional education system, on the way to the digital slavery society. CBDCs, tech-monitored control of diet and mobility, extreme educational tracking and monitoring, medical record digitalization, illiteracy and innumeracy are others, and are now being implemented. Alison McDowell’s Wrench in the Gears blog work is challenging and helpful.
A great work is ” Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling” by former NYC Teacher of the Year John Taylor Gatto for anyone wanting to learn more.
John Rockefeller was the big mover in gubmint run education. He once said that he didn’t want a nation of thinkers but a nation of workers. There is no fixing it. None of what we see today is accidental. All is to erode any semblance of critical thinking skills.
And now here we are today without either thinkers or workers; education has been ruined to such an extent that we we are overrun with lazy morons manufactured by the truckload in what pass for “schools”. We would arguably be in a better situation to have just the workers that Rockefeller sought, and yet can’t even achieve that at scale with he system that now exists.