Steve Kirsch: “Vaccine” killed 3.5X more Americans than COVID virus

Executive summary

The irresponsible attacks by an LA Times journalist Michael Hiltzik on MSU Professor Mark Skidmore’s paper motivated me to run my own survey of my readers to see what the actual harm numbers really are.

Over 10,000 readers responded.

The survey clearly showed that the COVID vaccines have killed 3.5 times as many people as COVID. This is a disaster.

I’ve had expert statisticians and epidemiologists review the survey, the methodology, and the results. None could find any errors.

I’m willing to put a million dollars on the table that this is right and that the vaccines have killed more people than COVID. Any takers? If not, why not?

When I called Professor Norman Fenton and informed him of the 3.5X figure he calmly replied “I’m not surprised.”

The results of this survey are entirely consistent with the surveys by others as well as individual anecdotes that would have been very unlikely for me to have located if the vaccine didn’t kill at least 3.5X more people than the virus.


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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Great article, the kill shot has killed and disabled too many people to count worldwide.

1 year ago

LA Times, Lala-land propaganda rag!

1 year ago

Don’t know anyone who died from the bio weapon known as Covid19. I do know someone who will die soon from the effects of the vax. She developed a rare blood disorder. Caused by reverse transcription of the mRNA technology.