Still on the Watchlist

I was required to sign up for Medicare or face the “consequences” of a failed government trying to “help” me. Without going into details, the Social Security Agency held back my account activation because I had applied for “hardship”. I did not apply for hardship to the best of my knowledge but rest assured, the government will be withdrawing Medicare payments from my social security effective today.

How much time was left before the government was required to act on my “behalf”? 5 minutes before the close of business on the last day possible. And this is not standard protocol as I found out.

I doubt that I will recoup even 1% of the money the government extorted from me and my business before its collapse. The sooner its collapse the better as the cost of freedom for our children is worth any price. The good news: the government still considers me a threat AND I will have more time to address the increasing train of abuses of this illegal government.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Anyone who fails to “comply”, no matter their dictates, will face similar consequences, my friend. You’re not alone in this.
I pray for the day that JC comes for His Bride. In the meantime, I Will NOT Comply!

3 years ago

Hell being the crosshairs. I am sorry you are being punished. Personally I don’t think the Gov., especially now and for the last several decades, EVER does anything in the best interest of “We the People.” In my view we are not much more than chess pieces for their entertainment and their use. I am so disturbed by what is going on.