Stop Blaming the Virus!

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4 years ago

I highly suggest everyone read his book, the most dangerous superstition. It will open your eyes and you will not be able to look at government the same way ever again. Government can not be given powers by people who do not posses those powers. The idea that it rules over you is a falsehood. The threat of violence on the part of its orc enforcers may be real, but it’s “authority” is not.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

i agree stop blaming the Virus! And yet shall we blame “the government?” How can all the worlds woes land on the governments lap?
Have we not been told, and is it not understood government is a reflection of the people, and that, we the people get the government we deserve?
So with that understood from a Biblical perspective, are we the people totally and without exception Blameless?
What Government should we all be following? What Church?
When Babylon fell so many years ago what did Daniel lament? Did he hold himself and the people blameless? Study that amazing prayer.
Should we?
Where does God fit in this Blame the virus, blame a bat,blame the lab,blame the government blame each other montage?
The real cost? Lives, money, stature,pride, or a failure once again to turn back to God the Creator of all?
Forced this on us?
So did man force this on us, or have we (the Nations, largely brought this upon ourselves?
Anti government? Is that right, anti all government up to and including God’s government? You see that is where we end up going into the weeds.
The Bible does tell us of the roles of masters and slaves, both sides have a role and guidelines, and both sides will be held to account!
i do not say these things to be contentious, but we must consider and discern all the input we receive.
Thanks for the video now i will have a look at his book etc…..