Stop Lying to the American People Because You Don’t Care What Is Happening to the Victims of Illegal Aliens

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6 years ago

I wish that all TRUE American citizens, and especially those in congress, who really love the United States, would get the moral and spiritual courage to rise up and declare those on the left to be what they truly are; TRAITORS, and deal with them accordingly. Their actions and words have gone far beyond merely being a difference of opinion. When our duly elected representatives in both the House and Senate can brazenly ignore the assaults,rapes and deaths of so many innocent Americans at the hands of illegal “immigrants”, and when they ignore the fact that so many Muslim “immigrants” are making their move to bring down our Constitutional Republic and replace it with Sharia law, and then stand there and proclaim that what they espouse are true American values while holding those American flags, they show themselves to not only be traitors, but hypocrites as well. They are destroying the traditional moral and spiritual fabric of the United States and those of us on the right have the moral, ethical and, dare I say, the legal obligation to STOP them by EVERY means in our power, but we had better act fast because we are running out of time.