Stop Participating in Evil


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

The duty is ours, the results are God’s.

8 years ago

Is it possible that that the Republican Presidential race and politics in general are carefully contrived drama designed to coincide with the conditioning of television programming in order to further distract the population? Given the current state of affairs, and the research presented I would have to say it’s more than possible.

8 years ago

screwtape and his fellow underdevils shall have many a soul to feast upon soon enough I suspect.

8 years ago

If you give them your vote, you give them license. Your participation in their electoral system is your solemn vow to them that you consent to whatever they choose to do, once they “win” that election.

You cannot give them a license to rule over you, and also give them your solemn vow that you accept their system as all-powerful and legitimate, and then complain when they do exactly that -- to rule over you, and to hold you to your solemn vow of obedience, both of which you freely and willingly gave to them, without any pre-condition or limitation whatsoever.

To argue otherwise is, at once, both the very height of folly and the very depths of madness.

And even worse, such specious arguments affirm the attitude of the oligarchic clans, that the vast majority of men are incapable of comprehending, let alone wielding political power…

When you come out of the voting booth, and they put that little sticker on your breast which proclaims, “I Voted”, you have taken their mark, and bear witness that you are their property.

If you desire a different outcome, then you must change your behavior -- and pulling a different lever this time is not a sufficient change. The last 20 elections have proven this beyond any reasonable doubt.

If, on “election day”, 50 million people refused to “vote”, but instead bought a gun and at least 500 rounds of ammunition, such a “vote” just might have a small influence on the direction which our “leaders” are taking this country…
The operative word being “might”.

The reason there is a curtain on a voting booth, is because what you do while inside is nothing more or less than political masturbation.


Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Respectfully LT, I must disagree.

I see no reason a man cannot exercise his conscience via a vote while at the same time “buying a gun and at least 500 rounds of ammunition.” I understand the admonition for the later but not the condemnation of the former.

Many years ago my wife and I were watching Bill O”Really and he was discussing sodomite marriage. He made the comment that if while he did not think they should be given the legal recognition of marriage but should be given the ability to have a “civil union” and if anyone disagreed with HIM they were “homophobic.” At that point I sent in an email to his show stating the if anyone not in agreement with him was a “homophobe” then if he did not agree with Al Sharpton did that make him a “racist?” Needless to say my email was not one of the ones read on the air. My point being that we should be able to agree without referring to one another in derogatory terms.

Next, we already have well over 50,000,000 people who can vote yet do not and it is a simple matter to point out that if they actually had voted or did take the 20 to 30 minutes this year to perform this small task we just may have avoided the mess we are in as well as the one for which we are headed. Heck, if you don’t like the candidates then write in a name or write ‘damn you all’ on the ballot. Talk about making the evening news!

While you and others may considering refusing to take the time to vote as some kind of a badge of nobility, I can say that I know of no place in God’s word where He a blessed a prayer not offered or an effort not made. So I say again, the duty is ours the results are God’s.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

If you are asking for the perfect candidate I can assure you he has not nor ever will he exist this side of the second coming.

As for spending please explain how NOT voting will keep them from spending us “right into slavery?” In fact there are a few people who have spoken to this issue and have made efforts to address it. One need not mark every contest but I content again there are some who have earned and DESERVE our support.

If the founders had refused to participate in the process would they have been better or worse off? If we refuse to do this now how does it make the situation better? Can you show me a problem made better by inaction?

I repeat….the duty is our the results are God’s.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I’ll be happy to reread President Washington’s farewell address as it has been some time since my last reading and it was quite an educational and enjoyable experience.

As for Mr. Jefferson, will you offer a bit more direction? Are you by chance referring to the once concerning Shay’s rebellion or was there another you had in mind?

Further, are there any particular points that should be studied?

8 years ago

Joe, until quite recently I would have agreed with you, and encapsulated my position as follows -- ” if you don’t vote, then you’ve got no right to gripe about what they do with our laws or our (tax) money”.

But -- that belief was predicated upon there remaining some semblance of legitimacy. No such shred of legitimacy remains. We have a man of undocumented origins in the office of pResident, not for one term, but now 3/4ths the way through his second term of usurpation. And no one in congress has brought any action to impeach, nor even to seriously investigate said question of eligibility.

And from this outlaw president, and the outlaw congress which has aided and abetted his every act of usurpation, we have had 0bamacare imposed upon us. A law, which no one in congress had even read before voting on.
This is a most blatant violation, as a bill must be READ ALOUD on the floor, before the House can vote upon it -- Such a reading was never even attempted. This places the House of Representatives outside the law.
And considering that 0bmacare is a “tax”, the law and procedures require that the bill establishing any new tax must initiate in the House of Representatives, which 0bamacare did not -- 0bamacare originated in the Senate, in blatant contravention of law and procedure, thereby placing the Senate outside the law, as well.

So, both houses of Congress have clearly and plainly gone outlaw, as has the Executive branch -- leaving only the Judicial branch in a state of “validity” -- but the SCOTUS has also invalidated itself, both in its decissions upon 0bamacare, as well as “gay marriage”, “gun control”, and a number of other issues. So with the Judiciary also arguably having gone outlaw, what facet of the federal government remains legitimate?

Having all three branches of the federal government so abandoned all claims to legitimacy, please advise me, exactly, upon what foundation -whether of secular law or of Christian moral principle -- I am obliged to give my affirmation of legitimacy by casting a ballot for “the lesser of two evils”, when they -- each and all -- have abandoned even the pretense of observing the duties and limitations of their respective offices as established by the Constitution -- that sole and absolute instrument upon which all offices and actions of the federal government rely for their legitimacy.

I say to you, sir, that we have no federal government. There remains not a single strand or fiber of legitimacy left anywhere in it, whatsoever.

And if the federal government be, in its entirety, corrupt far beyond any claim of legitimacy, then everyone who votes for the continuation of said illegitimate government does also make of themselves an outlaw, even to the same extent as the Congress and the executive office holders have made of themselves outlaws.

This fact being incontravertible under the common law, because, Prima Fascie, the person voting to install an outlaw into an office of priviledge and authority does and must make every person so voting, an accessory to every unlawful act to which said person(s) thus elected shall undertake by means of the authority vested in the office which they obtain by the consent of every voter who does so grant when casting their ballot.

In this I say sir, that the present situation in Washington DC is every bit as grave as was to be found in Sodom, in the very eve of its destruction; whereupon Abraham questioned the angels of the Lord, asking, “would not God save the city for the sake of an hundred righteous souls who dwelt therein? And the angel answered, Yea, the Lord would spare the entire city for the sake of an hundred righteous souls, but they were not to be found. And Abraham then asked, and what if there were only ninety righteous to be found therein, would God not spare the city for the sake of ninety? And then the number was reduced; 80, and then 70, and so forth, even unto the limit of but ten righteous souls, and yet still the angels gave account of Sodom, that there were not to be found within its walls even ten righteous souls. And so was Sodom thoroughly condemned, and obtained for itself total destruction.

And Washington DC is no better, neither the entire extent of the rogue entity which masquerades as our federal government. I say this in certainty -- that there are not even ten righteous souls in public office in all the halls of power in Washington -- because any righteous would have at least publicly denounced the usurpations, the corruptions, and the outright contraventions of our Constitution which are daily perpetrated against us therein. But no such cry has been raised; and even when it has, it has not been sincere -- for that in which a man has sincerity, be it good then God shall surely also grant him zeal to see it through.

Where is a man with such zeal and honesty? Where is even a single man in the federal establishment who relies solely upon God, speaking only the truth, and proofed by our Lord against all corruption, even the corruption of silence in the face of so great an evil as we today contemplate?

I have prayed and I have searched; and I have prayed the more and searched even further, but still what I see is Sodom by any other name -- utterly devoid of any virtue, and beyond all hope of restoration.

Therefore, to vote for any of them at all, is to vote for the continuation of Sodom’s illegitimate rule over us; and that sir, I simply cannot do.

Nor, do I see any reasonable or proper way in which any dutiful Christian man may so do. Washington exists within a bubble of evil, so profound and so undiluted, that it constitutes a universe of its own devising -- and as has been said so many times, “you can’t get there from here”. Neither is there any returning to our every-day world, for those who have so crossed over into that realm of pure evil called Washington DC.

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago
Reply to  LT


I thank you for a most well stated and most civil response. You will not find me among those who condemn nor fault a man for exercising his God given right of free speech in expressing his reasoned conscience and convictions. If such expression take the form of protesting by not voting, all one can expect is the same respect for those who’s conscience my lead them otherwise.

At this point in our conversation, and while there are points to be made, it is more likely further discussion will neither persuade or dissuade the other from their chosen path. I pray God continue to guide each of us.

You have stated you have been looking for a man who has spoken up as well as acted to address our concerns, the one righteous man in Sodom if you will. if such a man’s existence should offer you hope, to afford your support and participation in this small effort of voting, then I would ask you to look at U.S. Representative Walter Jones from here in eastern North Carolina. Let me assure you he does not walk on water but he is a man of integrity and Christian faith who has paid a heavy price for his soft spoken manner yet ridged backbone in defiance against the residence of Sodom.

If, after review, you find my confidence to be in error I humbly ask you to relay such findings. In either case, once your investigation is complete, maybe we can again examine the best way forward under God’s guidance in the prayerful hope for the restoration of our liberties.

8 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

Joe, thank you for your candor and commitment. God neither demands that we agree, nor promises us that we shall, on any matter other than as pertains to our Salvation. And finding that we are in firm and time-tested agreement there, I count you as a friend, not an adversary… regrdless of our natural differences of knowledge, experience, and/or opinion.

I have never lacked respect for a man whose civility is born of Grace, and strengthened by regular meditation upon and study of the Gospels. Sadly enough for our society, it seems that there are fewer of us left each passing year.

May His grace ever be upon you and your family, and may our society soon realize that their suffering is upon their own cause, for so many have turned away; but that our Lord rejoices exceedingly at the return of every single one of His prodigal children.