Strategic Geography and the Invasion of Texas – Come And Take It


by Sam Culper III

So as we look at the invasion of Texas, which really is decades old, I can’t help but wonder, along with everyone else, just when the Texas Emergency is going to come to a head.  We look at places like eastern Ukraine where large, ethnically Russian and pro-Russian groups and militias have separated themselves from Ukraine.  The Euromaidan and the following civil war sparked a number of secession movements that resulted in Crimean independence and later Russian annexation, the formation of the Lugansk People’s Republic, and the formation of the Donetsk People’s Republic.  Although Lugansk and Donetsk are both still considered by the international community to be part of Ukraine, don’t say that to the Russians who live there.

The likelihood that we see pro-Mexico militias seize and return U.S. land to Mexico, like what’s happened in eastern Ukraine, is quite low (right now)… but the sentiment exists.  The likelihood that we see increased violence and attempts to set in place Bracken’s Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista is much higher.


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10 years ago

Aztlan soon coming to a neighborhood near you..

Texas is LOADED wit illegal aliens……..