Strongest Sanctions in Decades Imposed on North Korea

The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted tough, new sanctions on North Korea Wednesday, taking aim at its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

The U.N. resolution – which had more than 50 co-sponsors – has several unprecedented measures. One is the mandatory inspection of all cargo going in and out of the community nation. There is also a total arms embargo — including both conventional and other weapons — and restrictions on the sale of coal from North Korea, as well as other minerals, including gold, iron, iron ore and titanium.

A provision in an earlier draft of the text to ban the sale or supply to North Korea of aviation fuel – which is also used to power rockets – was revised in the final resolution to include an exception for civilian passenger aircraft flying to and from North Korea.

Banking sanctions have also been tightened, as well as bans on the sale of luxury goods to North Korea. In addition, travel bans and asset freezes have been imposed on 16 new individuals.



This will not end well. North Korea has nuclear weapons including EMP warheads, submarines and missiles. While their missiles are under development, Iran is more than willing to fill this gap.

David DeGerolamo

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