A North Carolina teacher’s lesson on slavery included a discussion question that downplayed the Holocaust and likened 19th-century Americans to Nazis.
Ardrey Kell High School English teacher Lisa Patrizio asked her 11th-grade students to describe a fictional character’s thoughts after reading about World War II. The correct answer to the multiple-choice question, a screenshot of which was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, implied that Americans give undue weight to the horrors of the Holocaust.
“While the monstrosities of the Holocaust may have been more intense over a shorter period of time, those who lived through slavery endured conditions just as horrible over a much longer duration,” the answer read. “Yet while Americans are largely comfortable acknowledging the events of the Holocaust as the worst impulses of mankind, there is often more hesitancy to take responsibility for the degradations of enslaved people that took place on American soil.”
The quiz question asked what the character had learned after reading that “the Germans had been trying to do in only a few years what the Americans had worked at for nearly two hundred.”
When will the indoctrination of our children stop? Our schools are guilty of cancelling our culture and teaching our children propaganda. The answer to the question is that they will never stop since they fully understand that they will control the country after one generation of their control of the school system.
Jesus told us:
Luke 18:15-17
“Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
What is the punishment for abusing children as our teachers, priests and politicians have done? Home schooling is the only option available to save our children under this Communist regime. And we can be assured that every measure will be invoked by the government to make this harder.
David DeGerolamo
Gubmint Skools and Teechers, What do you expect?
The American school teacher has become the direct inversion to the meaning of education. “Education” has become a money-pit for greedy administrators, union reps and politicians. It ‘offends’ me that the honest discussion about American Education cannot be had because either the extended family members who are themselves teachers will not brook being scrutinized, or the policy makers are so deeply reliant upon the money stream that they will not risk appearing to be impartial. The best thing for the American student would be to close the doors to all the schools and state run universities and go back to the one room school house tradition. And, ‘yes’, I have given this tons of thought, research, and concern. The situation is unsalvageable which means our students are uneducated and our future has been stolen.
Amen! Homeschool! Public school= child abuse !