It appears that the government has succeeded in dividing the country. They used yet another tragedy to destroy the nation from within.
What little vestiges of the United States were left have been dispelled by the blatant display of arrogance by the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare.
People attack the Southern Cross Confederate Flag as a symbol of racism. People in the South see their flags as symbolx of a war against Federal aggression and tyranny. The question is not whether the South will rise again; the question is whether Liberty will rise again.
The people who are attacking the Southern Cross are the same people who attacked the Revolutionary War flags as racist flags flown by Teabaggers.
At least the people in the South know tyranny when it is on their doorstep. And we know what to do about it.
David DeGerolamo
Dont put it on all Yankees….put on the Global Communists because they own it
I used the term “Yankee” in the title to make a point. There are some people who are dividing us but that portion is small and they are not Yankees. Domestic enemies know they can only win by dividing us. The government is responsible along with the media. Whoever is pulling the strings, the people are dancing instead of resisting.
Well, to be fair, the GOP of the 1850’s and 60’s was very much a socialist party…MANY of the communist fighters and activists from the failed 1848 communist revolutions across Europe, namely Germany, moved the the U.S. particularly in Ohio, Illinois (which had at one time been considered a “southern” state), and Indiana (likewise). They used their experience to become extremely active in Republican party politics and the GOP leaders lapped it up, they gained immense, and zealous support for their nationalist programs and denouncement of States Rights and Constitutional government.
So you can say, the yankees kick starter global communism.
you are very astute about the GOP during that time, Germany kicked out the Communist bastards after they had a failed coup D’Etat attempt in there nation. Abe Lincoln needed new ideas so he could defeat the South because he was getting his ass whipped by Jackson and Lee at every turn. so the scum face Abe betrayed his country and brought into his administration the communist bastards who were thrown out of Germany as tacticians, and here we are today. look at the results of what Lincoln had done to the U.S. by bringing the communist pieces of trash into his administration, and 150 years later this same scum are running everything. Robert E.Lee and Stonewall Jackson knew all this and detested what Lincoln was doing, but the main point of the war, was based on trading inconsistencies with the North. the North was strangling them financially on trade issues and the North did not want the South trading directly with Europe alone there by avoiding tax payments to the Feds, because the North would have lost millions of dollars over time, Slavery was never an issue in the beginning of the war, Lincoln made it the seminal issue with the help of his communist comrades who were instructing the dodo brain on redirecting a truth into a lie and it worked quite well. but in the end and with the help of the communists he brought down the confederacy.