Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Found Dead At West Texas Ranch

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Moments ago the judicial world was hit with what is the most significant news since the passage of Obamacare, when the San Antonio Express first reported that one of the more, if not most, conservative Supreme Court Justices, Antonin Scalia, was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas, federal officials said. Scalia, 79, was a guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of Marfa.

According to the initial report, Scalia arrived at the ranch on Friday and attended a private party with about 40 people. When he did not appear for breakfast, a person associated with the ranch went to his room and found a body. Chief U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia, of the Western Judicial District of Texas, was notified about the death from the U.S. Marshals Service.



Game over. You either understand the ramifications of this death or you do not.

David DeGerolamo

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Archbishop Gregori
9 years ago

I may be paranoid, but here is how I see it. Trump threatened to sue Cruz for being constitutionally ineligible, which he is. Either someone on the Right or someone on the left had to insure that they had enough liberal votes to rule against Trump and keep the case from coming before the Court, because if the Court were to hear the case, the fact that Obama is an ineligible president would have to be exposed to the entire country and the world. With the passing of Scalia, it is forgone conclusion that Obama will appoint a radical liberal to take his place, and it is also a forgone conclusion that the go along to get along spineless Republican controlled Senate WILL confirm who ever Obama nominates.

9 years ago

Wow! Well thought out! I assumed his demise at this time was not natural. Your speculation makes a lot of sense.

9 years ago

Good riddens to the traitor

9 years ago

the man was murdered by obama and the clintonista crime syndicate now is there time for the globalist to take full control of the nation by using the highest court in the land. my view is they will not succeed in this quest because the people will go to war against this government that has been fully taken over by obamas islamic army and the Bolsheviks. it will be do or die. the ciia,nsa and fbi have poisons they use when they want to get rid of people and it simulates natural causes. the man was murdered and they had to get him out of the way this year for full take over and the abolishment of the first and second amendment. never give up your guns for any reasons.

9 years ago

It is interesting that this occurred in a very remote location, and no one saw this man for many hours until his body was “discovered”. Honestly, Scalia should have been smarter than to set himself up like this. This was timed as it was for one of two possible gains: to create a stalemate as a springboard to Democratic backlash in the general election (to make the inevitable voter fraud appear to be a legitimate outcome), or further cow the Republicans in the Senate by threatening to make them appear obstructionist and get the desired nominee. In all seriousness, considering the record of John Roberts, even a supposedly moderate jurist who seems palatable and gives the Senate Republicans an “out” will likely turn on us. Imagine an unconstitutional Executive Order banning handguns upheld by a packed Court. Even if the Senate GOP grows a spine, I would not be surprised to see another conservative jurist suddenly die or retire to create an actionable majority, if Obama is stalemated. There is no numerical requirement for SCOTUS. When you are dealing with a sophisticated surreptitious crime syndicate, none of these things should surprise anyone.

a follower
a follower
9 years ago

Natural death or not, Yahuah is in control. So the Humbling will continue. The chastising.
Why is what we must ask ourselves.

a follower
a follower
9 years ago

” Game over. You either understand the ramifications of this death or you do not.

David DeGerolamo
i do not believe game over is entirely true yet i understand this from a constitutional point of view.

9 years ago

Granted, the “game” is not over until Christ returns. But in terms of us, as mortal men, resisting the tyranny which Satan has ever been determined to impose upon us; this moment is a clear-cut point of loss, which places a seal of defeat upon our society; beyond it, the hopes of recovering even that modest layer of protection which we previously enjoyed, is quite minimal indeed.

When historians look back upon this era, this will be a day numbered among the most profound losses which we as a nation have faced; it will take it’s place, along with those other moments wherein the spirit of tyranny has risen triumphant and merciless upon the supine form of our society --
the election of Lincoln and his prosecution of the War of Federal Agression upon the Southern States; The compulsory “ratification” of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments by the “reconstructed” Southern states while subject to armed occupation with federal troops; the federal supression of the Free Silver movement in the 1890s, and the elimination of Silver as legal tender by the Republican-controlled congress in 1900 as part of the ‘Gold Standard Act’; the creation of the pseudo-public Federal Reserve Banking system and the unauthorized delegation of the authority to mint US currency to the FED in 1913; the imposition of the first personal income tax by the federal government in 1913; the false ratification in 1913 of the 17th Amendement, which nullified the States representation in the US Senate, by changing the mechanism of election to that of a popular vote, whereas it had previously been decided by the legislature of each state who would represent them in the US Senate; passage of the unconstitutional National Firearms Act of 1934; passage of the unconstitutional Social Security Act of 1935; passage of the Immigration Act of 1965, which purposely destroyed 300 years of immigration precedent -- that the United States is a nation of persons of European descent and Christian faith, and intends to remain so -- and establishes a policy which essentially prohibits immigration from Europe, instead favoring immigration from the unshriven populations of Asia and the Mid-East; false ratification of the 24th amendment, which prohibits states and/or counties from charging a Poll Tax or otherwise disciplining the electorate within their jurisdiction; passage of the unconstitutional Gun Control Act of 1968; etc., etc., etc.

9 years ago

This is an official long weekend Recess for the senate, so, Obama could indeed Appoint a replacement on his own, without senate approval or vote. Moonday is a federal holiday, prez day.
How is that for coincidence?
There are no coincidences.

9 years ago

Watcher, 0bozo will not move that fast. He will wait for the Senate; and with the usual under-the-table dealing, he will have their approval on his nominee… After that, all bets are off, because there will be nothing left to stand in the way of “his pen and his phone”.


9 years ago

Mitch McConnell should be hanged for treason and should have been removed by now by the republicans in the senate. Where was Rand Paul when McConnell was changing the rules back to the way it originally was put in place, Paul should have stopped him then , but he did nothing but play politics to an old fool of a man. Here we have McConnell doing the work for Reid and screwing the republicans out of using the same rules that Reid and his Bolsheviks put into place. Rand Paul backed McConnell when he was running for office and this is the reason why Paul failed and had no support for his run for the presidency. He let his sate down along with the conservative voters who wanted that P.O.S McConnell out of office, he was on the cusp of losing the seat after many years of whoring himself out to every Bolshevik P.O.S. in the Senate, so all this madness in the senate falls on Paul’s shoulders, he failed at his job and he has given us this useless old hag of a man who is just another Obama schill.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Does it matter if some more edicts are passed? They are all illegal and remain illegal. They only reason they have any power is because We give them that power.

We act like these ruling from the court are law. They have no law making power, word interpretation power or no word redefining power. They are to rule on the law and only serve in good behavior period.

It is time to quit giving their edicts credence by following them. If they rule that handguns are illegal. Pee on them. If they want mine, then come take them. I will no longer follow any illegal act, be it from the congress, president, court, governor, mayor, council man, sheriff, etc… I can quite capable of reading English and comprehending it.

It is time to make a stand. Again they have no power that We do not give to them. They do nothing that We do not allow them to do. Stand up and say no and mean it.

9 years ago

make sure you live in a county the sheriff adheres to the constitution , if not then try breaking there illegal edicts and watch what happens , they will descend upon you with the black booted thugs in law enforcement an murder you and all who are near you. the only way to avoid being murdered by these P.O.S. in there black masked uniforms is by having more numbers then them, so when the descend upon you, you can then move to take them all out for treason and sedition and leave none of them alive and kick there bodies into a hole where they rightfully belong and spread lime over there rotten corpses, you dont need to smell the men of evil around you. we need numbers and a system of communication when they begin to murder the people who love this nation and Constitution. Its just my to sense for what its worth.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

@ philip, I know what the ramifications are and know that chains will not fit me.

9 years ago

that’s good Tom because you dont want to be forced into the chains by illegal SATANIC Whore masters in Law enforcement and the Military whom are Working for the New World Order along with the demoncrat/republicrat mentally ill parties who also carry there water. It would be far better to die for the cause of freedom then be carted off to some fema camp manned by satanic islamics who have there hands on the guillotine lever.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

No one is forced to put chains on, they choose to to put them on. There is always another option.

9 years ago

In the end all of these people who are destroying our nation will be in for very big trouble, Our nation and the world is spinning out of control from these satanic Whore masters and they truly believe they have grabbed this moment in time in which are claiming victory over Gods people and there love of freedom, Liberty, Truth, Morals, Etc., but the truth of the matter is they are about to go down into the pit ( HADES ) where God will cast them, I wouldn’t want to be in there Shoes when this finally blows up.