Suspended from Twitter

  Hello NCRenegade, Your account, RenegadeDavid has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against violent speech. You may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express a desire for harm or violence.

I hope to live long enough to see you hang for treason. https://[…] 

Note that if you attempt to evade a suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team

If you have an active Twitter Blue subscription, it will not be automatically canceled by Twitter. To cancel your Twitter Blue subscription, follow these instructions

The above suspension was based on a comment on an Adam Schiff post. In order to be hanged for treason, you must first be charged, arrested, tried and convicted according to our original justice system. I have outlined my thoughts on this matter over ten years ago. Asking for justice is now considered violent speech.

I understand that we live in a two-tiered system of justice and my hope (slight as it is) that justice will be restored in my lifetime should be one that everyone in our country should have. If we accept injustice, false imprisonment, false charges, intimidation and destruction of private property, we only adopt the methods used by the government to suppress our freedom of speech, freedom of the press, right to peaceably assemble and to petition our government. In other words, we accept evil. I left out freedom of religion because they overthrew the pulpits in our churches a long time ago.

I do not care about a suspension on Twitter. My presence is minimal once I deleted my original account (and followers) under the Dorsey regime. We will not win this war against evil on social media or any keyboard warrior method. My true “crime” is still hoping for a justice system that has been usurped for decades.

I cannot imagine anyone as the poster child in Congress than Schiff for crimes against our people and government. Let’s “hope” that censure by the House will expose how little regard our Congressmen have for exposing traitors.

David DeGerolamo


My response to Twitter’s suspension:

The Washington Trials

Since when is asking for justice under the conditions of our laws concerning treason inciting violence? I have never advocated vigilante justice as you have incorrectly assumed. If someone is hanged for committing a crime, he obviously has had a trial under our judicial system. Twitter is your platform to oversee as you want. I have no problem with a suspension or if you delete my account. I do have a problem with you misrepresenting my character based on false assumptions.



We received your request to have your account reinstated. We are reviewing a high volume of requests and appreciate your patience as it may take longer than normal for us to get back to you with an outcome. 

If this request is for an account reinstatement under our new criteria, please allow 5-7 days for us to review and respond.



It appears that Twitter is receiving a “high volume of requests” in their pursuit of free speech.

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago

Why are we still “talking” when we should be shooting those like Schiff, Schumer, McConnell, Waters, Jeffries, et. al.? It would only take about 500,000 of us acting in unison to “refresh the tree of liberty”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lee Vail
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

It’s A Small Club And You Ain’t In It – Dissident Thoughts When you speak truth to lies, that is what you get David. There is only one way forward and that involves the 2nd amendment. I agree with Lee Vail.

1 year ago

Bravo! I’ve never tried a social networking platform…
I do mention to politicians that there may come a time when very smart and skilled people in Law Enforcement, the Military, the National Guard -- just start taking them out.
According to Richard Mack (, in 48 states, the sheriff still has the power to arrest the governor. It is way past time to end the imperial Council of Governor’s rule over the 10 FEMA regions.
What’s easier: Recall an elected official, prosecute them or just kill them for murdering your kid with an injection?
I read “Outsmarting the Psychopath Next Door” by Margaret Stout (2020). She cites the traditional Alaskan Inuit Indian solution for a psychopathic tribesperson… they take them hunting out on the ice, and when they get close to the cliff edge, they push them over.
Most of our leadership is psychopathic and cannot be cured.

1 year ago

Me too
They seem to be on a ban of the word treason and the feath penalty. Definitely a political move to keep that idea from gaining recognition.

1 year ago

These are criminal run mafia syndicates that are in control of the entire bureaucracy and our leaders. the corruption is too far out of control for the American people to remedy this problem by voting our way out of this mess these gangsters have perpetrated on lazy and dumbed down American citizens.

1 year ago

As Cicero said “The law is silent during war “.

Yet somehow we cling to the idea that there is rule of Constitutional law.

The solution makes us outlaws at best, media (and thus in most people’s eyes) terrorists.

But to the British, Washington was a turncoat and terrorist.

Protect your family and trusted friends

1 year ago

No surprise there. Gab is the only true free speech platform

1 year ago

Rights don’t get to exist for people without a cohesive culture as is being clearly evidenced with their removal. The satanists understand this, that culture is where the real power exists. The Frankfurt School wielded this knowledge and understanding to their whims, desires and generational outcomes. Washington D.C. gets this as does the government at large, and military and according forces. It’s astounding that so-called Christianity (other than its freemasonic leaders) for the most part have no grasp or inkling of this, even though there is a biblical cultural mandate. There was no formidable pushback, agitating against, or appropriate levels of civil disobedience, to effect counter warfare against the encroaching and usurping elements nationally, even when for instance the Bible was taken out of schools, and abortion tolerated and legalized, as well as many men being antithetical in their positions as husbands (leading to the Sexual Revolution). From all angles America was taken on the cultural, economic and religious fronts. Even after a potential for any physical reckoning of sorts takes place, providing there is a prevailing force for benevolent reorganization, what will be done, enacted, and perpetuated to ensure the development and cultivation of complimentary gender roles, the teaching of life skill sets, an understanding of how how money works, and any other number of things required to have domestic tranquility? The fact of the matter remains there will be no substantial return to societally high-functioning conditions (probably only a small timeframe left for this consideration) until and unless the amount of influential and effective forethought and strategies (from a civics perspective) are applied to day-to-day living. There was no vanguard equal to or surpassing that which was launched by counter forces against Americana and all as related. What’s happening now harkens back to several decades. This is a way huger problem than the here and now.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness” by Michael Minnicino

“The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an “abolition of culture” (Aufhebung der Kultur in Lukacs’ German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a “new barbarism.” To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School an incredible assortment of not only Communists, but also non-party socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at least a few members of a self-identified “cult of Astarte.” The variegated membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the Institute for Social Research started with Comintern support, over the next three decades its sources of funds included various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly Hills.”

Old Mechanic
Old Mechanic
1 year ago

The way it reads, like mine, it’s a PERMANENT suspension for a similar comment toward Project Veritas that I made following O’keefe’s firing…
Same form letter…

1 year ago
Reply to  Old Mechanic

People are also complaining (lodging complaints) to the same people hindering their free speech. This is a further disaster in the making. With there being largely no other alternatives, this fortifies their power and according corporate power structures at large. Why is communication detached from being of, for, and by the people? The answers point out the problem. Will the matter be corrected or left to linger?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“Meanwhile back in the year One — when you belonged to no-one —
“you didn’t stand a chance son, if your pants were undone.
” `Cause you were bred for humanity and sold to society —
“one day you’ll wake up in the Present Day —
“a million generations removed from expectations
“of being who you really want to be.

“Skating away —
” skating away —
“skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.”

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Ian Anderson, of Jethro Tull, was way ahead of his time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la my English language skills must be faltering. Neither of the last 2 postings you made is understandable to this old Medic.

What are you trying to say? Maybe in two small sentences please?

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

These online venues are often increasingly means for curtailing speech in the macro (across the spectrum, with totalitarianism). That’s what they were designed to do. It was only an illusion that so-called free speech existed on them. By giving corporations access to content that would otherwise be fluid speech and pertaining to activities, it’s setting up larger barriers. If one thinks about it, the idea of so many restrictions on speech simply by virtue of it being a corporation, company, or some other business or institution, will eventually lead to essentially all speech, except that which is authorized being approved. This in part, is what makes America a culturally backwards nation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

What part of Maybe 2 small sentences did you miss?

Your reply fails to clarify. Try again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

How speech is conducted need not be managed for the public at large, by corporations. The people (primarily those in positions to do something about it) letting this happen, through defacto monopoly capitalism, in its furtherance and in becoming a stronghold on many fronts are responsible as well for facilitating the loss of free speech, along with declining political power and the vibrance thereof.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

OK Z-la, did that hurt to reduce several paragraphs of unclear words into this? Sometimes I think your paid by the word.

Now show me how we can DO anything about this?

A few (about 6 IIRC) families control directly or by proxy ALL Mass Media in America. Some of the MOST POWERFUL Political Families in America. ODD THAT, Eh?

Almost like Regime Propaganda is IMPORTANT or something?

You planning on creating the 7th family of mass media? Did you win a couple of Powerball’s lately? Cash talks, BS is useless.

Now a grass roots mimeo campaign with our fabulous memes decorating telephone poles all across America would be more than an annoyance to the 6 families.

Hunter Biden memes come to mind. CNN and NSNBC turning into Laugh-In PRAVDA jokes would be harmful to their power over the common Joe 6 pack.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

DRegenade did you see this?

The Reset: When Will Globalists Attempt To Introduce Their Digital Currency System? --

Goes well with many announced WEF goals, and many of my financial websites discussing central bank e-dollars and such.

The part about chatbots pushing out unapproved to the regime information until people simply forget the old truths is something Z-la could address well.

Real trouble folks, Protect your family and trusted friends. Even with technology human intelligence HUMIT is often their most powerful tool. You might remember it as “SEE something, SAY something” that turned Eastern Europe into a police state.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Considering that this audience is mostly male, perhaps keeping replies to one or two basic sentences, or smaller posts may be prudent, i e., the multi-tasking thing (or perhaps brain overload for some men)? Anyway, with an academic background in political science, public policy and the arts, to an extent, more detailed writing is a requisite. How is it you’re able to take reading the Bible with much focus when clearly there is a more learned and lengthy style throughout? As to your question, influence could rather be easily gained through responsible economics with more of a widespread application and availability, such as an appeal to those working in the low wage service sector, with an outreach to offer better options, for starters.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

LOL Z-la the superior female mind needs to “mansplain” to us less liberal and tradition bound men. Sorry I figured you might have figured that out before now.

PLEASE feel free to start your own business and then let me know how well paying a better option out of your pocket works out in Real Life ™.

There is a reason aside of greedy scrooges that starter wages are where they are.

Loyalty and respect are a two-way street in many of the jobs I’ve worked at and when I was setting up-running and then selling my several successful businesses.

The worst failures in successful businesses I sold were from owners cutting corners and disrespecting their staff-crew. Folks WALK when they have better offers for their skillsets.

If you DON”T have any real skillsets and OFTEN LACK A Work Ethic, then you have little to offer for your pay.

But the vast majority in my several decades of experience is that multitasking smart folks have NEVER ACTUALLY RUN A BUSINESS.

But I am open to proof that you actually run a successful business aside from perhaps a social justice “Business”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Maybe many of the multitasking persons are supposed to multitask in something else other than traditional jobs. Mostly women it seems have this skill. It tends to help with child rearing and getting tasks done. Yes, in the workforce, most multitaskers tend to be low level workers or owners who delegate responsibilities, but maybe are more remote in their involvement. Job opportunities will come when America collapses and people aren’t so keen on political correctness (there will be a downside for others). Something has to level the disjointed conditions and atmosphere that constitutes much of the so-called workplace. It’s more of a drain on the livelihoods of many, rather than an inspiration or incentive. No, I haven’t run a business and am not inclined to. Let’s put it this way, about fifty percent of the people in the workforce shouldn’t be there. Not everyone in general needs to be in the employee of corporate America and its ilk. Why do men want effectively all women in the workforce? Why should a husband and wife both have to work, when they want to raise a family for instance, or maybe the wife would prefer not to work? As to skill sets, there’s a difference between life skill sets, and those that are menial and designed to maintain economic stratification, lack of social mobility and diminished political power. Starter wages is a term that’s misapplied, as many people stay in these low level jobs throughout their entire working life, and in attempting to provide for families, and maintain essential needs such as increasing and unrealistic housing, medical, food and transportation costs. It’s begging disengagement from society and it’s obvious why workers can no longer be found for many of these poverty jobs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Yes some people DO INDEED Stay at “low level jobs ” all their lives.

It’s that funny thing personal responsibility and choice.

A very few choose to do more than just the minimum requirements of their jobs. Those who have a real work ethic are first to be promoted OR Walk away to a better employer.

The LACK OF WILLING workers makes many opportunities for those that show a good work ethic and intelligence.

Your admission that you have never run a business tells me you have no real world experience to pontificate your opinions.

Politics like sexual preference should have NO place in a business.

Equal Rights has been proven empirically in Real Life to be code for “Special Rights “.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

If politics has no place in business, you might consider working for an LGBTQ+ business. Politics are hugely in motion in a work environment. How many employers won’t let their employees talk about religion or politics? All politically correct dogma must be adhered to in many work environments (study communism, i.e. monopoly capitalism for an overview of this). Further, real world experience should have so much more to do with other experiences than a minimizing position that’s been standardized in which everyone has the same menial skills, that they often stays stuck in for much of their working life. These people tend to work harder than most. However their efforts systematically redirect and make money for the capitalist class, with the surplus benefits of their toil being external to their own profiting, well-being and advancement. How many people own homes and can afford them? How many want to own a home, land or some other according investment requiring responsible upkeep, as well as increasing taxes, as the wages don’t keep pace with the cost of living? Personal responsibility should be defined and qualified for the purposes of this discussion, because innumerable workers have actively practiced this concept and went above the minimum expected of them only to find it wasn’t reciprocated (it’s like waiting for a merit system that doesn’t manifest). The lack of willing workers can also lead to better jobs and working conditions for many even with the ongoing political upheaval. What other alternative is there?

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

For someone that writes such huge missives you’re reading comprehension is POOR.

Here it is again for your edification:

“Politics like sexual preference should have NO place in a business.

Equal Rights has been proven empirically in Real Life to be code for “Special Rights “.

Key word SHOULD in case you missed it again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Then by default, you are making an admittance that there’s a huge inherent problem with the workplace. Therefore my point was that if there was a workplace that was LGBTQ+ without the politics (the coercion for tolerance), or even if you put your own politics aside, or in the event it was initially unknown to you that many of your coworkers were say homosexual or politically aligned democrats, as long as there was no top-down influence, or otherwise political pressure, would that be a neutral and acceptable work environment in your estimation? The reason for the question is to ask if it’s realistic at all to expect politics can be removed from the workplace.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la have you found a “Woke Company” who has done well aside from massive Governmental Intervention (IE our tax dollars)?

The troubles you’re so proud to argue about is a historical chimera.

Have you noticed what happens when an Empire loses World Reserve Currency status?

Rome died from money debasement by melting down the silver denarii over and over again reducing the value of its coin of the realm until it was a silver gilded base metal coin.

Spain was once more powerful than England and France combined with its treasure galleons a rich target for Pirates like Sir Francis Drake and such.

And SO ON.

A thought from a gentleman I’ve found very intelligent (even writes in short compact complete thoughts, OH the Horrors) has some observations to listen to.

 Each generation had its ideas…its goals…its sense of right and wrong. What makes us think that we are so much smarter than all of them?

They put up monuments. We tear them down.
They believed in free speech. We believe in censorship.
They believed in free markets. We believe the government should control the economy.
They believed boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Now, we think they can be anything they want.

Righteous Racists: For 150 generations, they regulated and protected capital with interest rates; but for the last 15 years our geniuses pretended that they didn’t matter.

In 1990, US Secretary of State James Baker assured Mikhail Gorbachev that Western powers would advance ‘not one inch’ towards Russia. But a generation later, US tanks, drones, and spy satellites are all helping to kill Russian soldiers.

One generation was racist. Another thought racism was bad. Now we are self-righteous racists again, ready to give special privileges to special groups.

One generation believed that deficit spending was practically a sin. Later generations piled up $32 trillion in debt.

One generation believed the ‘Nifty Fifty’ stocks were “one decision” investments. You buy. You hold. You get rich. The next generation thought the dot.coms would make them rich. And now, it is the AI-powered super-Techs.

Each generation is delusional in its own way, ready to pay absurd prices for its favorite assets…and commit murder for its favorite cause. It is what we call the Conceit of the Living, the belief that our ancestors were all imbeciles…and our descendants will thank us every day for leaving them with the Final Truth.

But ‘pride goeth before the fall.’ Fads and fashions change. Which will fade? Which will endure? What will the Big Techs be worth 5 years from now? And how about America’s $100 trillion of real estate. It is priced for a world of 4% mortgages. What will it be worth when investors realize we are in a 7% world?

In the immediacy of TODAY all this Social Justice and so on seems POWERFUL.

As an amateur historian I’ve learned Hubris ALWAYS RESOLVES.

Sooner than you expect the US Dollar will die, replaced by various ever more draconian power grabs disguised as “For the Children” style BS.

The old control tactic of create the Problem then offer THE Solution is failing as trust in the “Deciders” is fading.

Failing Tyrant’s ALWAYS Lash out as their circle of power shrinks and the “Little People” suffer the most until collapse occurs.

Thus, my oft quote to protect your family and trusted friends. I’ve SEEN with my own eyes the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia.

Soon enough Hubris will resolve. The History of the Leadership of the Revolution in France led to the warm arms of the Madame Guillotine and what happened to the Gays in Germany once deemed NOT USEFUL anymore found out about the “Night of the Long Knives” will again grace the pages of old bloody history.

And the vast bulk of your massive missives here will be moot. Nobody cares when the smoke of burning cities how “Woke” this or that was.

Protect your family and trusted friends. REAL TROUBLE is nearby and Tempus Fugit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

comment image

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

There likely won’t be big tech in America in five years. The purpose of it was to largely control the public while fortifying their power power base being an appendage of strategic government agencies (and then sacrifice the industry, i.e., the replacement parts/electrical components post war would have to come from China primarily). The U.S. did not educate it’s populace to an extent to be able to rebuild in such a scenario. The population was in no way prepared for or capable of maintaining any aspect of Western civilization. This is also to the advantage of the soon-to-invade countries and others as well. The more tech and the more churches that there were, the dumber the people got. Additionally, the gender issues can be directly correlated to allowing abortion. A purported country that wanted to be and remain free would not have permitted such cavalier and coarse dynamics between the sexes (inclusive of the industries of increased government and corporate control thereby). Those countries with vested interests will take out much of what is known as modern convenience here. It will be back to close range/proximity physical warfare after perhaps a quick expenditure of high tech weaponry with WWIII. The Chinese and men from other countries will take their brides. One might consider themselves fortunate to be taken captive with the opportunity to marry and have children and propagate their family line, even under such conditions. They may fare better than many remaining here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la your repetitive blame casting on churches and odd fantasy of becoming a war bride to victorious Chinese is odd at best.

Why do you post here?

1 year ago

Sir, consider your “suspension” a badge of honor, and keep on kickin’ ass.