Suspicious Attacks

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1 year ago

Whether or not the US should go to war with Iran is highly debatable. That doesn’t change the fundamental reality that Iran is the major actor behind the vast majority of terrorism and will NOT stop being that as long as they exist in their current political form. Islam is evil. Those who embrace islam are evil. And evil NEVER stops, quits or goes away voluntarily. Dealing with evil ALWAYS requires violence through use of arms. The problem isn’t that fact. The problem is America isn’t ready for this necessity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

The US cannot defeat both Russia and China at the same time, and that is exactly the scenario that plays out. Russia will support Iran, and China will attack Taiwan. Israel doesn’t care about the US, except to the extent we provide them weapons. Beyond that, they would just as soon join our enemies. Even if Iran and Israel go to war, the US should not engage, just as the US should have not engaged in WWI, or the Civil War of 1860. War is never justified except as a matter of national defense, one of the 2 justifications for having a government, the other being promoting the general welfare, not serving as the military arm of the Babylonian world order.

1 year ago
Reply to  AWB

No…I doubt we can defeat both. Not even sure we could defeat China. Russia is so depleted after their debacle in Ukraine that we could probably take them. However the issue is academic. If either country were to perceive they were losing conventionally they would resort to nuclear. Once that happens it’s game over…for EVERYBODY everywhere. But if we refuse to engage in the necessary violence required to address the evil that is islam then islam wins. Neither islam nor communism ever quits, gives up and goes away.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Most muslims, at least the one’s I’ve met, are decent people. Sure, there are activists, radicals, and extremists on both sides. Islam as an ideology is dangerous, as you’ve stated. Live and let live is the cost of living in a free world. As a Christian, I don’t condone violence of any form, and I question those who do.

1 year ago

MacGregor is absolutely right. America, at present, is not capable of fighting a sustained, major ground war. Our military is presently woke, broke, and out of ammo (sent to Ukraine) folks. And I place the blame for that squarely on the failed, lunatic-left policies of both the Pentagon and the Obama / Biden regime.