Swarm of Russian helicopter gunships blitzing Ukraine airport as Putin launches invasion

There are unverified reports that all Ukrainian airports have been targeted which would remove any resupplies to Ukraine from the West. Biden will be issuing a statement early this afternoon.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

David, thank you for all the posts & videos on this as it unfolds. Good information.

3 years ago

Can’t say he didn’t warn us. Reasonable demands for security ignored. Continued poking of the Bear. The Bear finally reacted. No surprise. Putin actually cares about his country and his people. Wish our leaders did the same.

3 years ago

Phase One: Strategic airfield seizure right out of the text book. Phase Two: Gain and maintain air superiority. Phase Three: Simultaneous ground offensive with overwhelming force. SPETSNAZ infiltrated the Ukrainian capitol and arrests leadership. All are eliminated and/or replaced with Putins guys. The first of many new Soviet Republics are being formed. Ruskies learned many lessons from their Afghanistan debacle. At least when the Ruskies left Afghanistan they took or destroyed most if not all of their military equipment. Meanwhile Biden is eating his favorite ice cream in Delaware, NATO leadership is clueless, and GEN Milley is implementing his Woke agenda to our armed forces.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  mosaicwolf

Woke Gen Miley is still undergoing hormone therapy in his transition to the woman he always wanted to be.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
ron martin
ron martin
3 years ago

I await breathlessly the crash dummy’s attempt to construct a full sentence without slobber, spittle & incoherence.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

Rumor has it that Victoria Nuland has gone into hiding. This is her pet project.

ron martin
ron martin
3 years ago

I was in the Dry Tortugas in fall 1962 jamming Russian commo & relaying info from U2’s & low level intel flights. over Cuba. Kennedy didn’t want the Soviet missiles near the US. Now, Russia does not want nukes smack dab on their borders 2 minutes from Moscow. How uppidy of Putin!

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

Ya’ll remember the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? Nah, most of you weren’t even born then. I remember though. So tell me. What is the difference between Russia invading Ukraine and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
The US didn’t take kindly to Russian missiles that close.
Russian Doesn’t take kindly to NATO missiles just as close.
Putin has been warning of this for many many years, but no one listens.
They just keep poking the bear, Now they’ve pissed off the bear. and comarada emperadora pantelones de caca just keeps poking away in a country he has zero influence in or on and is not even or will never be a NATO signatory. With the possible exception of interrupting the cash flow into his dipshit kids and his bank accounts.
Follow the money.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Yea I remember I was in junior high school, that is when they still had air raid drills. It was on Fridays, and we had to get under our desks.

Mr Ed
Mr Ed
3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

A big difference is that Putin is doing a professional job of invading Ukraine (some info I read says that his main aim is to clean out the Nazis and gangsters there who pay the Bidens to be left alone to launder money, traffic drugs …) and we sent the Cubans into the Bay of Pigs undertrained, and pulled their promised air cover at the last minute.
I understand that your question was political, not tactical …