Symbiotic Relationships

Did you know fire ants raise aphids for food? Not the aphids themselves, but the ‘nectar’ they produce. I wrote about it here in 2014 – Fire Ants & Aphids.

Frank and I had an interesting conversation over breakfast one morning. We started off discussing something that could be symbiotic, I don’t remember the topic, which reminded me of ants and aphids. Then it lead to other ponderings. I thought I would share them with you.

If the company store initially begins providing supplies to the employees to increase their production and ability to live close to work, that relationship is beneficial to both parties. If the company then realizes it has created a dependence upon those supplies that allows them to control the employees to a greater extent, it can raise the prices thus increasing the profit they make from having the employees return more of the money it paid to them, and adding it back into the coffers of the company. A monopoly is born turning a positive symbiotic relationship into a negative one in the eyes of the employee, who now has less choice and less of an impact upon the relationship.

Now apply that to the current political situation our country finds itself experiencing. The relationship of government to the people [supposedly] began where the government servants were for the benefit of the people. Now that relationship has flipped. You had better do what you’re told or else. Or else what? We will raise the price of your medication, control the medical attention you can receive, force you to pay for our medical insurance, regulate your business [or shut it down all together, because, you know, COVID], take your guns, brainwash your children and tell you that you better be damn happy while we’re doing it. No, wait, they’re already doing that. Are you enjoying the symbiotic relationship you have with your government? Federal or local? Is it a give and take situation that benefits both parties or have you become a slave to ‘the man’?

Add to that mixture the current state of big tech and the media. Picture the type of relationship that the communist, fascist, Marxist, socialist [pick one] tyrannical government we currently have, has developed with the media and big tech, not to mention the military industrial complex that wants endless wars to line their pockets, private prisons for profit, and the medical/pharmaceutical industries. Yes, industries. An industry is a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises according to Merriam-Webster. Add the banking/financial industry to the mix and you can easily picture the monopoly the current government has upon all aspects of our lives. The banking industry controls the loans and money supply for the energy, agricultural and small business sectors. The government doesn’t want you to be a successful Mom & Pop store? Shut them down from a financial stand point. Or better yet, use a plandemic. Let the mega corporations that are intertwined into the mega-loppa-symbiotic-industrial complex control all facets of business, energy, food, health, education, media and income. That’s what you call TYRANNY.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

This was done in the coal fields of WVa. Small towns was run by the mines. Your food,rent,clothing everything was paid back to the mines. If your husband got killed the rest of the family got kicked out to make room for the next family.

Frank Feral
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing the article. We are all in this together. Keep up the good work you do.
Frank & Fern

David C
David C
4 years ago

Words and vocabulary control your thoughts. When I was in my early teens in the 70s I was fascinated by the “dystopian” futurist fantasies, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World. They weren’t enough for me and I could quote entire paragraphs almost exactly from memory. So I found the book by Evgeny Zamyatin (sic) titled We in English, and remember going to the Douglas College (women’s college of Rutgers) library to borrow it using my mother’s student ID. We is about a life of harmony under Soviet totalitarianism. I highly recommend it, because mention of it has been suppressed. Also. T.J. West’s sardonically titled The Necessary Evils which is about George Orwell and his wife working for the British Ministry of Truth which was doing real-life highly classified covert interception of letters in the post and any information going into or out of the British Isles.
But out of all of these sources, the most accessible of all of them are Brave New World and the very small almost a children’s book, Animal Farm.
Look at the worldwide imposition of draconian lockdowns worldwide all coordinated and planned and rehearsed and synchronized. At the very same moment in time lockdowns were imposed in Argentina and the US using the exact same guidance documents prepared originally and released by CDC in 2017 as intended for influenza epidemics.
This is a dictatorship of the “hidden hand” of the “usual suspects” who hate truth because they’re the children of the Father of Lies.
Brave New World is the best explication of a world where conformity to societal rules is imposed by peer pressure, very unlike the authoritarianism of Nineteen Eighty-Four. They exerted their pressure for example on males and females becoming a “regular item” and a sexually monogamous and exclusive relationship. The societal goal was equality for all and the elimination of the family. Sound familiar? People were expected to be open to sexual encounters with all others, at least others of the opposite sex back then.

David C
David C
4 years ago
Reply to  David C

I don’t think I can really speak here without risking censorship of my posts and possible closure of your website, hosted by notorious thought censors. I was born into the evil brotherhood and criminal cabal of matrilineal descent.
Our Lord Jesus Christ told of their evils in the Book of John in a very systematic way, making that stand alone from the other three synoptic gospels. There He is moved to rage and violence to drive the money-changers out of the 2nd temple, lambasts them for putting the world of man over the word of God, violating the Ten Commandments, etc. etc..
At that time (only in John) He referred to a strictly oral set of teachings that were only written to paper about 600 years later. How did He know of all their evils?

David C
David C
4 years ago
Reply to  David C

Awaiting for approval
Yeah. The censorship is automated. The January 2018 summary of my interview on KOB4 10 O’Clock News is immediately identified as impermissible content even though the PDF page was converted to JPG graphic and inserted as an image.
Jeff Rense is under attack right now. rense,com is being blocked for access in some places probably by DNS poisoning.
Ever since becoming a Christian after learning of the terribly cruel persecution of truth-tellers in Germany and Canada keeping a 90-yr-old woman in prison for the statements she made on German broadcast TV. Etc. etc. These people are the greatest evil in the history of the world.

David C
David C
4 years ago
Reply to  David C

They’re scanning graphic files for text with forbidden words going down recursively to find text within a photo within a “photo” of a printed page. So the page hosted at included my photos on that page. The KOB4 article itself contained no forbidden words in the article text. The forbidden phrase was on one of my hand-painted signs in my photograph of my front yard art. So they scanned down a second level of a photo included on a JPG of an article that stoof for two years on with no problem until I posted a link to it somewhere.

David C
David C
4 years ago
Reply to  David C

It won’t do you much good reading Gospels of John going through the year systematically unless you know something about the hidden teachings. The “[Old Testament] is for women, children, and fools.” Read Elizabeth Dilling, Father Coughlin, Rev. Ted Pike, read I. Shahak, the noted biochemist who turned his attention at the end of his life to history in The Weight of Three Thousand Years. Read Michael Hoffman, the writer in Idaho who self-publishes. Go back and read Harry Elmer Barnes, everything you can find before they all are disappeared from most university libraries under pretext of COLD-19. Read Shlomo Sand’s Invention of the … books and Twilight of History. He’s a dual national of France and the country around Tel Aviv University where he was a tenured History professor. Was. Prof. Sand gave a talk at NYU in 2010 or so on a book tour for his second book and he told the story of his reaction the first time he heard the word ju..aeo-christian. He pronounced it the French way and it was in Paris. Prof. Sand took it to mean what it meant in pre-1963 and pre-Second Vatican Council Bible commentaries published by Roman Catholics. Sand thought it meant a *** who had become a Christian to flee from Germany to France. He told this anecdote as a kind of digression and he told it as a joke expecting laughter on the punchline. He said “they’re opposites!”