I know there is the temptation to look at the events in Afghanistan as some major failure of the Biden Administration, but it is not. This is who Biden has always been, what he ran on in the election, what everyone knew he would do, how he would sell out to the communist regime in China, do their bidding when he got into office. It was why they had to steal the election, because so many of us knew what a traitor, what a corrupt politician he was, that there was evidence of the bribes he took, verified by the courts in Ukraine. The fact of his mental incapacity only seemed to cement that he could not and should not be placed in control of the nation and its military forces. We now see why.
This is on the Republicans. They knew of the election fraud, but none of them wanted to acknowledge it, because it would benefit Trump, someone getting between them and their graft. They knew of Biden’s mental limitations and Kamala Harris’ constitutional problems (not a “natural-born” citizen). Without that counter-balancing force of politics, voted for by the people to maintain a contentious political system to ensure that no political party is allowed to operate in the dark, there is no republic. The Republican Party failed its obligation to act as a control to fraudulent and absolute power.
Trump symbolized the American people who raised him up, voted for him, because he was not like all of the other corrupt, bought-off politicians on that stage during the first Republican primary debate representing nothing other than a false choice. Trump promised to secure the border, to make America great again, to disengage in useless wars and rebuild the military, the way it had been up until the uniparty began to control every election, playing musical chairs with the presidency and using Dominion to secure it. For many, Trump was finally the solution to the corruption in Washington DC.
Damn straight this is on the Rs. The election was stolen and How In Da Fuq scum like Tom Cotton or Marc Crawford(my reps when I lived in AR) can tell me it’s time to move on when WE ALL KNOW IT WAS is beyond the pale.
What the hell do these go along assholes think is going to happen when we let this crap go? Why weren’t they on the Capital Steps in AR or DC calling for us to raise bloody hell? They abdicated their responsibility to us.
And I’ll tell you why. Their GD cushy lives and the acceptance they get for keeping their mouths shut. I will never vote for anyone, R or D, who doesn’t have the ballz that MTG, Gaetz or Boebart have got.
At least my commie puke Rep here in WA District 6 stabs me in the front.
As always, I appreciate your perspective on the truth.
Gopers: snatching failure from the jaws of victory!
Trump was a business man and attempted to run the USA like his successful businesses. Biden is not and never was. Politicians are the lowest life form on the planet … democrats and republicans alike. Oligarchs.
100% CORRECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The outcome we are experiencing in all situations is on the republitards, they have always been cratering when pressed. Ultimately it is OUR FAULT, (and I’m among them along with all of you) the people of this country that have not had the balls or wisdom to hold those they put into office accountable and fry their asses when they get out of line. A mere spank on the hand will suffice when whats needed is a good old fashioned hanging.
This country was founded upon certain principles based upon English Common Law centuries old. It was designed for an educated and moral people, as it will work for no other. We have failed in the most miserable manner possible. And this is the outcome we get. There is hope, we can get back to the principles this country ws founded on, but it will take much work and a lot of pain. The work is installing people into office that ARE Principled and will NOT sacrifice those Principles. For Any Reason. We are talking here about Moral people, whose principles are driven by Gods moral laws.
It’s a global cabal and the republicans, some of them at least, are not immune from it. I am not sure ONE party alone can take over the country the way we’ve seen it happen without the “C” word, conspirancy (sp). Who is behind Soros, Obama, Rice, Pelosi etc I do not know. I do think some huge power brokers are. Communists, Masons, illuminati take your pick. We may never know. The illusiveness of who ever it is their best cover. You may think I’m nuts but I just don’t believe the Democratic Party (the regime) is the only/sole aggressor here. We don’t know who is actually responsible. Very low profile it seems.
Follow the money: Vanguard, BlackRock, central bankers.
Jefferson anticipated our current position in history and said: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpation’s, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” — It is not only our right to throw off a single-authority, oppressive government, it is our DUTY. A duty is not optional. As Americans, it is our obligation to secure the means for a life of continued liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We as Americans are the only global citizens guaranteed the pursuance of Liberty, Freedom and “the right to be left alone” as stated in our God Given Constitution. I am reminded of another great American, JFK-“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”The real question is…are there enough “real” Americans to defend the nation? Whether we like it or not the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and Cartels are coming soon! A change of leadership would deter that initiative.
Calling Stealth RINO Senator John Cornyn, Texas is being invaded on the southern border by tens of thousands of low IQ. low trust people who have no concept of property rights and personal responsibility.
Does anyone know what RINO Senator John Cornyn stands for? Has he tried to stop the Biden administration’s attack on the second amendment? Has he tried to stop the CCP injection mandate? Has he every done anything for Texas. He continues to state that there was no election fraud.
Anyone that lives in Tyler, Texas and knows Senator Cornyn remind him that he was elected to represent Texas. And also, tell him that Texas is being invaded from the south. This is happening on his watch. Maybe, he could give up one golf game at his country club and go to the border and see the chaos. Start at El Paso and drive southeast.
Of course Senator Cornyn will not do anything because he is a globalist puppet.
My friends, when is Enough going tactually be ENOUGH? Is it not painfully obvious the path they have us on? And what miserable, horrible $hit they plan to pull upon us and our wives and innocent young children? How much longer can we just stand bye, doing absolutely Nothing? Things are positively going to get worse & worse as the days go bye. Republican, DemonRAT, anymore it makes ZERO difference guys -- they are all worthless, vile pukes.
Interesting to use Sam’s photo, but the guy is a flaming commie
Thank you for knowing and sharing that “factoid”.
I lost my respect for the icon of “Road House” years ago when his politics became evident.
Sure, Sam has that Iconic American “look” but too many folks use his image just as it’s been used here. He’s laughing at us. He’s anti- 2A